Recently we enjoyed our Fourth of July Celebration during seven amazing days of praise and coming together! Each anointed speaker that was on our show gave us insight into our world like nobody else could! In their words we cannot help but know that God is working, ALWAYS working out of his love for us! Jim and I felt so blessed each and every day as we saw so many wonderful people leaving their burdens in Jesus’ hands and remembering that God has great blessings for them! Continue reading →
In my years of knowing the Lord, it has always amazed me how much God loves us. It’s something that, as humans, we can have a hard time understanding. No matter a person’s lifestyle, beliefs, or faults, we are all loved by God equally. So much so, that He gave the whole world His only Son in order to give us all a chance at eternal life! (John 3:16)
But for those who don’t understand God’s ability to love, I always find that one of the best examples of His love for us in dogs. To me, they are truly God’s Little Helpers. I believe when He created these wonderful creatures, He did so with the purpose of reflecting His eternal love for us within each and every one. Continue reading →
Caught in a nightmare of fear, the days and weeks went by as I struggled to break out of the darkness. My friends knew something was up. I’m a big dude and I wasn’t eating. Something was wrong with me. I was like a zombie. My Mom would have to make my lunch. I didn’t want to wait in line at school, I just wanted to go off and eat on my own. Every morning she would give me a little sack lunch with a sandwich in it. She kept asking if I was sure that I only wanted one sandwich. At best, I would only eat half of it. For some little girl, that might be normal but that definitely was not normal for me.
I knew my friends were talking about me. I did my best to talk and laugh like I was fine, but my eyes would show it. I would say, “I’m fine guys, I’m fine, I’m cool.” But I wasn’t. I wasn’t fine at all. Continue reading →
We recently had our Ready Now Expo and it was amazing! Hundreds and hundreds of our loving partners joined us on Grace Street for the tapings of the Jim Bakker show. As I was sitting on the set, waiting for filming to begin, I looked out on all of those beautiful faces. Gratitude chills went up and down my spine. I could not help but remember this past year and my battle with Hepatitis C and the outpouring of intercession and prayer from thousands of people on my behalf. Wonderful people like those that were out on Grace Street smiling back at me. Continue reading →
A homeless couple stood on a street corner in Southern California with a sign that read “Family Needs Help God Bless.” Robert Wessely and his wife were begging for money to pay for a room for themselves and their four children.
They had no idea that God was about to bring a stranger into their lives that was the first step in life transformation.
The family was in Eureka, California asking for help when a woman drove up and gave them ten dollars. Robert immediately went to a gas station and bought food for his children, all under the age of seven. The woman then came back to the corner and gave the family her husband’s cell phone number.
He was going to offer Robert a job at his construction company.
The man, Carl Hawkins, then went further than offering a job as a day laborer. On Christmas Eve, he welcomed the entire family into his home.
“He started working for me the day before Christmas Eve. I felt the Lord saying ‘Christmas is all about me and my love. Show [them] my love,'” Hawkins explained. “It started out that they were just going to live with us over the holidays. It was after that that the Lord impressed upon me to really open the doors and offer him a place to live with his family, if they were willing to live by God’s design.”
The family was required to attend church, have family worship time during the week and managing their finances appropriately to plan for the future.
Now, Robert and his family live in their own home near Lake Elsinore and give back with their own ministry to help homeless families.
“Instead of looking at a trickling of water on a curb, now on our front porch, I get to look at a lake. The beauty behind God is a true blessing,” Robert said. “We literally went from curb to castle.”
Healthy choices in nutrition and lifestyle is something that all of us can learn to make. It’s not too late for you to learn, no matter what your age! Jim and I started making healthy choices a few years back, and I can truthfully say that we have never felt better! We hope to inspire others to get started on a healthy course. It’s a perfect time for you to make a change! In fact, getting healthy in 2015 is very achievable!
The greatest challenge is just getting started! Continue reading →
I love the beauty for ashes verses in the Bible. Isaiah 61 reads like my own personal memoirs from God:
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me”…oh yes, it is! He has given me His Spirit!
“Because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor” …oh yes, He has! I preach whenever I get a chance that God has a better life for you to live, God has a better plan and He will show you that you don’t have to be poor in spirit; you don’t have to grieve over past sin and past hurts your entire life.
“He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted” …oh yes, He has! I love to tell people that God is not mad at them! He does not hold sin against you when you are brokenhearted over it yourself! He wants to heal your heart, and heal your spirit. He wants you to come full-circle and back around to what He intended for your life from the start. Continue reading →
I know so many of God’s people who are weary. I don’t mean to sound down, because I’m not, but I have been – and you have been too. It’s not possible to live in this world at this time without feeling the effects of some of its pressures. Everywhere we look, everywhere we turn, there is evil all around us and it wears on us. And, if we don’t watch out, we can be overtaken by the sheer force of it.
Not only are we dealing with the effects of the world’s woes, but most of us are dealing with an unusual effort to bring us down in one way or another – be it finances, relationships, our health, our families, or any number of other life crises. Continue reading →
I knew in the beginning of this year and I had an urgency in my spirit that I had to get my body prepared for the difficult days ahead. I knew that the physical body had to get well and be strong to live through these final days to help others because this is the “Harvest Time.”
Heaven forbid that the “Harvest Time” becomes a cliché to God’s people.
God chose me, and He chose you to occupy this earth and to work the harvest fields in the very last days and hours before the end of this age. We are not here by happenstance. That’s a hard thing for most people to realize and completely comprehend – and what’s even harder is to grab a hold of the very thing God ordained for you to do before the foundations of the world in this season! Continue reading →
Most of us want our lives to count for something good. When you are a Child of God, your life on this earth takes on a greater cause than just accomplishing something in the natural. A Child of God is not satisfied with worldly accomplishments – a Child of God wants to store up treasures in Heaven where moths and rust cannot corrupt them.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21 Continue reading →