My Amazing Glorious Ride

After you walk through some hardship, you’re almost a different person. You can then say to those who are going through the same thing, “Boy, I understand what you’re going through!” You have so much more empathy for people that are going through hard times, like those who have cancer who have to endure treatments… their radiation and chemotherapy.

But it’s in the journey; we are walking through this journey called life. We are living in the most amazing time ever in the history of mankind. I mean He chose you, He chose me, He chose Kevin, Zach, Tammy Sue, Sasha, Mondo, and all of us – our whole team here… and He chose you to do something for the Kingdom of God. Continue reading

A One-String Fiddle (Pt. 1)

It’s hard to imagine that at 74 years of age, there is still a dream that lives as vibrantly in my heart today as it did when I was very young. But the dream does live – and it lives by the strength and the inspiration of God because He is the One who put it there!

The vision hasn’t changed to build a retreat center… to build a place for God’s people that is like a City of Refuge. I have people who say, “Why are you doing this? Why are you doing the same thing again?” The answer is very simple: I only have one string on my fiddle. I mean I’m a one-string fiddle and I don’t have another one. I’m doing what is in me and for the first time I understand it. I can’t change it because it was established in me by God! Continue reading

The Stage is Set

We are there now.

The stage has been set and the play has been on stage for a while.

I believe with all my heart, as far as any time of preparing and prosperity, I don’t think we have much over a year or max, if we have that, to get prepared.

I believe with all my heart that the antichrist is alive right now. I believe the system is alive.

I believe probably the greatest sign for us in America that we are in the Last Days is the United States of America has turned from a Christian nation, born by the hand of God, to our President even saying “We are no longer a Christian nation.” Continue reading

Let’s Be God’s People!

The Bible tells us that if we do what God says, we will be a nation that will lend and not borrow. The Bible says that! And if we disobey God and rebel, we will be a debtor.

Guess what? We are the number one debtor nation in the world! But because we are not studying those Scriptures, we don’t realize that America is under judgment. And the only way we can change it, [the Bible] says “If my people will humble themselves and pray, turn, He says I’ll hear in heaven and heal their land.

The thing I keep saying is one day, I will say it on TV; “Order your food today,” and, that will be the last time I will ever be able to say it. And, the food will all be gone. And, those who have it, then they will have life at least a little simpler than having to go out and find food somewhere. Continue reading

Faith That Answers Fear (Pt. 1)

Now I know that we should all walk by faith in these Last Days, and we should all know how to answer our fears with scriptures in the Bible.  There’s a lot of teaching on this topic, but I want to speak to the human side of this before I tell you how to be strong in the ways of spiritual warfare.

In our humanity, we all need comfort and reassurance that God is not cold or indifferent to us when the Times of Trouble come.  I think most of us know that, but it helps to recall that fact as the writer of Hebrews did in Chapter 11, the great ‘faith’ chapter.  Go read this chapter again for your own encouragement.

Sometimes, it is good to recall all the times of your life when God has done amazing things for you.  Recall the moment you were born again and how the love of God flooded your heart and soul.  There is no greater miracle than that!  One old-time spiritual song says, “makes me love everybody!”  Now there’s a message in that for sure!  But, be sure to recall all the other times you have felt God’s presence and remember His tenderness and His loving care. Continue reading

True Friends and Family Give Strength

My friend, John Shorey, has just spent several days here with us taping shows. I appreciate John because he always keeps me in mind when he thinks about preparing for Times of Trouble. It’s not unusual to get an email from him advising Lori and me that we need to do X, Y and Z to update our preps, always for our own good and in our own best interests. John is a master at prepping, and I’m glad to have him in my circle of friends.

It’s important who you have around you in these Last Days when we can almost count on going through at least some kind of difficulties as the prophecies of Matthew 24 come to pass. Good friends and family (including Church family) should come together and support each other with prayer and practical things. Continue reading

A Greater Day is Coming

This is a wonderful time to be alive – a time like none other when the signs of Jesus’ Second Coming are all around us and are screaming from the news headlines every day. These are great days we are living in… but an even Greater Day is coming.

We are definitely privileged to be living in these last days and we know that because we are, there’s a mission and a purpose that is only unto this generation. While the generations before us were charged with going unto all the world to spread the Gospel, our charge is not only spreading the Gospel but standing strong without wavering in the face of vicious attacks by an angry devil (because he knows his time is short). Continue reading

Something Big is About to Happen!

Lori and I want so much for people to be ready for anything and I know in my heart that something big is about to happen!

I’m not the only one feeling this way! When Pastor John Hagee was here with us recently he said, “I think the message that God is sending to His children is that the King is coming, get ready, get ready, get ready, the Son of God is about to appear in the clouds of Heaven and this world is soon to be over.” Both, Pastor Hagee and Pastor Mark Biltz are warning of major prophetic events surrounding the appearance of the ‘blood moons’ in conjunction with Israel’s Holy Feast Days.

The signs in the heavens couldn’t be any more apparent, marking major prophetic events which will become clear as we wait on the Lord. The message right now is to get ready! If the church gets ready now, we can minister with compassion to many more people – and perhaps lead them to Jesus. Continue reading

Thank You For Being a Friend!

Whether it’s just a casual “how are you?” or a heartfelt, “sit down and tell me what’s going on in your life,” or a caring comment on Facebook… friends can bring you great joy and comfort. I’ve never needed friends more than now as I go through this health crisis – and I have old and new friends that have been so comforting and supportive.

Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves you all the time, and a brother helps in time of trouble.”  That goes for sisters, too!

When I think of our new friends like Rabbi Cahn or John Shorey, or perhaps YOU, I am overwhelmed with gratefulness to God for enriching our lives with such wonderful people!  Continue reading

Amazing Guests with Important Messages

God has been showing us favor in the amazing guests who have come to our show with very serious and critical messages for our time. I know that there are big things coming, and that God has given us these prophetic voices to warn people to be ready. When God speaks collectively to so many people, it’s time to listen!

Pastor John Hagee and Mark Biltz came to share the revelations the Lord gave them about the blood moons appearing on the Jewish feast days this year and next. These are truly “signs in the heavens” that Jesus spoke about in Genesis 1:14:

And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years…” Continue reading