My Heart for My Generation

We really are living in such a prophetic time!  This is a time like never before or ever again.  It’s such a worldly time and there’s hardly anything on television worth watching.  Jim and I have become news junkies because of this fact!

It breaks my heart to see some of the things the kids are now subjected to on television, and they’re watching it because that’s all there is!  What troubles me is that we are losing all of our values, not just in this nation but in the world!  This isn’t just a cliché – it’s a fact – a fact that anyone who loves God should be alarmed about.

For my generation, even in the crazy times we didn’t lose our values.  We still knew right from wrong but now, there isn’t any such thing!  It’s considered hateful now to even voice your opinion of what is right and wrong.  Everybody is doing what they think is right in their own eyes!  The Bible talks about that!  (Judges 17:6, 21:25, Proverbs 14:12) Continue reading

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 5)

Back to Verse 4: “Then I heard another voice from heaven saying: “Come out of that city, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive the disasters that will come to her.” You say, “Jim, don’t preach about disasters!” I can’t help it! The Revelation is from Jesus Christ, so here’s Revelation and it’s Jesus Christ speaking: He says, “so that you will not receive the disasters that will come to her!” If you’re in love with the financial systems, and put all your hope in the financial systems, when it comes apart…. When I was in prison, the Lord spoke to me to go out and warn the people. If somebody doesn’t warn the people, the church people are going to blow their brains out because it will crash! That was over 20 years ago. God said to tell the people to fall in love with Him – not money. If they don’t, they will blow their brains out when it all crashes. Continue reading

The Love of Family

Most of you know that family is so very important to me.  I believe we are ‘set in families’ by the Lord according to scripture (Psalm 68:6).  Our families provide a setting for much of the growth we experience in life as we love, help, teach, and learn from each other. We share our joys and our sorrows.  We love, encourage, and affirm one another as we navigate through all of life’s challenges.

Family is the eternal pattern of God. In our families we learn to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ, and to be transformed to be what God wants us to be.

Family is the source of life’s greatest joys along with transforming trials. Family ties may bring us difficult challenges, but they also give us strength and some of our greatest happiness. Continue reading

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 4)

Revelation 18:3 “She has been ruined, because all the peoples of the earth have drunk the wine of the desire of her sexual sin.” Forgive me if this offends you, but every one of them wanted to have ‘social intercourse’ with her. They have relationships with the stock market – they have relationships with pride and with all the manufacturing. This passage is not just talking about a physical sexual relationship, but a spiritual fornication – body, soul, mind, spirit has captivated all of mankind. And that almighty dollar has literally taken over all the world. The dollar itself has become an idol and that’s what mystery Babylon is.

Mystery Babylon, I believe is what the city of New York represents and that is the whore – that is the prostitute that is referred to in Revelation Chapter 18. And it’s this prostitute that we are committing spiritual fornication with. In other words, it’s the monetary systems – the power of all sales, all wholesale, the whole financial system that is antichrist. That system has turned against God – even so that the Christmas season would be the biggest money-maker in the world – the Lord’s birthday! It’s the birthday of Jesus Christ and yet He is not allowed at His own birthday party! Continue reading

Mystery Babylon Revealed (pt. 3)

Why did we erase the scripture that says, “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim 6:10)? The church has embraced the love of money! The number one thing that God is telling us is that He really, really hates a harlot that takes His place (Exodus 20:3).

If I had another woman somewhere, do you think Lori would be happy? How do you think God feels? Sin is anything that comes between us and God.

God made the ten horns want to carry out His purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until what God has said comes about (vs. 17). The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth (vs. 18). This harlot, she rules over the kings, these ten people who are going to connect for a little while… not very long. They want her money – they want her power.

I believe the ‘head’ of money is located in New York City. I believe the base of the financial system of the world is the stock market – New York City. New York City is the financial capital of the world because the stock market is there. Continue reading

The Christmas Story (Part 3)

The Wise Men

During the time when Jesus was born there was a very mean king who ruled the land, his name was King Herod.  Remember his name, because we will talk about him later.

Soon after Jesus was born,  wise men were traveling on their camels; one night they noticed a very strange star in the sky.  They knew that this star meant that the King of the Jews, the One who would save the world had been born.

When the mean King… (what was his name again?) Herod heard this he got very worried.

He called a meeting with all the other important people in the area and asked them where this special baby had been born.  The people replied, “In Bethlehem, because they heard that one day a special person would come from there and take care of all the people.” Continue reading

Red Lights of Prophecy Flashing

We are living in amazing days!  This is the time the Bible refers to as the last days which are sometimes called perilous times, and also called, “The days of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”

Look at Acts 2:17-21 and see the good and bad events of these days!…

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. KJV Continue reading

Why We Prepare

My good friend, John Shorey, has recently been with us for several days and we’ve had some of the most enlightening discussions to-date! John keeps telling people to keep an open mind about when the rapture occurs (according to scripture) and have spiritual eyes and ears to hear what the scriptures really say. I agree!

We have to read the Bible for ourselves in this day and time, and not lean on what we’ve “been taught” all our lives. Trusting in other people’s understanding of the End Times may cause you more suffering than necessary! Continue reading

The Rapture Chapter (Pt. 6)

The good news is that God will reward His servants, the small and the great (Matthew 16:27; Revelation 22:12). The bad news is that He will “destroy those who destroy the earth,” not just ecologically, but through the effects of their sin. Ironic, isn’t it? The people who live for the earth and its pleasures are often the ones who are destroying the very world they worship. In truth, the world does not belong to them. Continue reading

The Rapture Chapter (Pt. 5)

First, there is the announcement of victory by “loud voices in heaven” (Revelation 11:15). The voices could come from angelic choirs or the saints who are already in heaven. The Bible doesn’t say specifically. What is important is the content of their announcement: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever” (v. 15). This is the moment we believers have been waiting for—the Rapture!

What leads me to view this moment as the true Rapture? I noticed that prior passages referred to Jesus as “Him who is and who was and who is to come” (1:4; 4:8). In Revelation 11:17, however, He is referred to as the One “who is and who was” (niv). The King James Version includes the phrase “and art to come,” but these words are not in the Greek. In fact, John no longer needs to include the words “and is to come” because, at this point, Jesus has returned! Continue reading