Recently, on a show taping, we were talking about the supernatural and how there is such a need for a supernatural God in the End Times. Like the Bible says to do, we stirred up our faith by talking about the times we have experienced a supernatural event. It’s necessary to do that… because sometimes we get dull in our spiritual senses!
If there’s one thing we need in the Last Days, it’s a sharp awareness of the fact that we are spiritual beings living in a temporary body. One day we will have an eternal, glorified body just as the Lord does, but for today, we need to know how to break through the natural realm we live in temporarily and touch the supernatural which is for our benefit, protection and understanding of our todays!
Let me tell you about a time when Jim and I were in Moravian Falls, North Carolina in a little cabin that has been fondly dubbed “the prophet’s cabin.” We had been in a meeting earlier in the evening where angelic visitations were the topic, and before retiring for the night, the speaker had prayed for all of us to have a supernatural angelic visitation.
Now, angelic visitations were not unusual in Biblical days. In fact, they are written throughout the Bible in numerous accounts. There are guardian angels, protective angels, warring angels, and my favorite: ministering angels. Hebrews 1:14 says about angels: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” So, angelic visitations should be common to those who are saved!
Back to my story. That night in Moravian Falls, I really, really wanted to have an angelic visitation. I believed the word of the prophet who prayed for us all, and I wanted a visitation! In fact, I stayed up most of the night praying and waiting for a visitation until 3:30 a.m., I went to bed spent – yet my prayers seemingly went unanswered. I was so disappointed, but not for long.
Sometime during the night, I began to have a full-on conversation with angels who were showing me things to come. I remember standing in a tabernacle watching kids practice a ‘human video’ and the angels came and fell on their faces and cried “holy, holy, holy!” Then one precious angel gave me a wink and a nod and was gone!
When I woke up, I was so excited! I told Jim “let me tell you what the angels showed me and what they told me!” …to which he replied, “no, let me tell YOU what you heard and saw.” It seems I had talked out loud in my sleep in vivid detail about everything that had been going on in my dream!
Years after that visitation, I remember standing in the new tabernacle we were building for our Master’s Commission kids and I heard the voice of the Lord say, “this is what I showed you in your dream!”
I don’t want anyone to ever think that seeking the supernatural just for the sake of phenomenon is what I’m talking about because you must be discerning of every spirit! Here’s why: if they are not sent by God to have a mission as God’s angels do, then they are fallen angels with the purpose to deceive. There are numerous accounts in the Bible of those kind of angels sent from Satan as well! Remember, Satan himself is a fallen angel.
But as the Times of Trouble come in the Last Days, I believe we can and should call upon the Lord to send HIS angels to do HIS work in this earth with HIS people.
Have you had an angelic visitation? I’d like to hear about it, and others will be strengthened in their faith by your testimony. The Bible says we will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
Let’s get talking and telling of the wonderful works of God!