You have been given a measure of time on this Earth to live and leave a legacy. What are you doing with your measure of time? Are you waiting for the “ideal” time to pursue your goals? Perhaps you are thinking about saying how much you appreciate someone, but you’ll tell them tomorrow. You want to get closer to God, but you are too busy and other things are demanding your time. Hopefully tomorrow……
Most understand after living any amount of time here on Planet Earth how fast time passes! All too soon, the day comes when you’re gazing into the mirror, observing wrinkles and graying hair and wondering “Who is that person looking back at me?” (That has been happening in my own life lately! – HA!) Am I trying to discourage or convince you that it’s too late? NO – just the opposite is true! As long as you are alive it is not too late. NOW IS THE TIME to fulfill your destiny and keep short accounts with those you love.
Today is the day to share love and kindness to all you meet. Let God’s compassion flow through you to others with words of encouragement and thoughtful deeds. Forgive, “let go and let God.” Grow closer to God and learn more of His Word. He promises that if we draw near to Him He will draw near to us. (James 4:8) “But it is good for me to draw near to God…” (Psalms 73:8)
Dedicate the rest of your life in service to God. As you submit to Him, the Lord will direct your steps and help you fulfill your destiny. God will use you to bless others and accomplish much for His Kingdom. When you please the Lord and are a blessing to others you will finish your measure of time with no regrets.