Battle Strategies

I wanted to share some messages I recently received from the Lord during my personal time with Him.  I pray they will be a blessing and encouragement to you as well.

I heard the Lord saying:

“Dear Friends,

I am here.  Here with you, here in you.  Don’t be afraid.  Look to me and be enlightened and saved.  Isaiah 45:22.  I will show you the short and simple message that people need to hear and live by in these days.”


“Being vigilant warriors, you are wisely storing up emergency food and emergency tools and necessities for disasters and distress in the times ahead. As you store up in the natural, I am also laying up immense stores of supplies and weaponry for you in the spiritual realm.

To be effective as earthly soldiers, you must constantly be armed against the enemy and willing to lay down your life to defend and protect the people and constitution of your nation.  Just so in the spiritual realm you must be fully armed.  Be diligent, vigilant and aware of the enemy.  Be willing to lay down your life for others — valiant for the Word of God.”


“I am making you more aware.  You shall begin to see and discern the enemy’s tactics and to effectively shoot down the evil perpetrated against you and my people.

Most of my people cannot discern the enemy attacks.  They only see the confusion, anxiety, despair and destruction with which he sabotages and devastates their lives.  His warfare continually rages through the lives of ignorant, sleeping Christians.

Many people refuse to fight, refuse to engage in battle, even though the enemy is devouring and destroying their life in God.  They despise the battle, even though it is only through battle that they are able to become strong and victorious.”


“Life is a constant battle.  Never let your guard down.  Keep your heart with all diligence  Proverbs 4:23.  Commit the battle to me in prayer.

Praise me for the victory and then REPORT FOR DUTY.  When you follow me into battle, I will direct you and keep you safe.  Some of my best weapons are rest, trust, confidence, discernment, the Word applied, praise, intercessions and the prophetic.

The prophetic sword is sharp and cuts demonic influences off of my people.  Loving the unlovable is a mighty elixir which strengthens those who are weary in battles, and blesses the one my heart longs to heal.  As you draw close to me and come to know my everlasting love, you will enter into my mercy and share my love for them.  You will love to protect and bless them.”

“Who will rise up for me against the wicked?  Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?”  Psalm 94:16 KJV


“Stay close to me.  This is the main component of victory.  Don’t be lured to fight battles that I don’t initiate.  Engage only in battles that I lead you to engage in.  Patience can rule a kingdom, even the kingdom of self.”


“Be at peace with all men.  Peace with others brings peace to your heart.  You sow seeds of peace and then you reap a harvest of peace.  Peace is imperative, peace is victory,  peace is incomparably sweet.  Peace is the antidote to terror, the antithesis of terror.  My peace conquers terror.”


“Will you follow me into battle?

Will you stay constantly on your guard, armed and vigilant?

Will you awake, arise and let your light shine?

Will you drink my cup, the cup of suffering, gladly for my sake?”


2 thoughts on “Battle Strategies

  1. Wow! This is so powerful, thank you for sharing! God’s truth gives life and sets the captives free. Please share this on your program, I believe many people will be blessed by it! Love you and Lori! Nina

  2. I appreciate you sharing God words with us! I want to be vigilant! Guided of God! Listen & obey his commands always.pray for my Children & grands. God continue to bless you & yours!

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