The Call of God

Betty Dewhirst

I wanted to share with you a true story of a young British woman named Gladys Aylward who answered the call of God on her life.  She faced much opposition when she said “yes” to Jesus. I pray that her legacy will inspire you to answer God’s call on your life no matter the cost.

What Gladys accomplished in her ministry was beyond what anyone ever expected.  She was rejected by a mission board as being unqualified but she decided to trust the Lord completely for provision.  She stepped out in faith and walked in obedience to the Lord.

Gladys was little in stature, but very determined to do the will of God!  She was advised by many to put the idea of going to China out of her head and to just continue rescuing young women who had been involved in immoral activities.  She helped rescue many from prostitution, but still, the call to China never left her mind and heart.

Gladys started reading her Bible to study and prepare.  She came to Genesis 12:1-2, where she read:  “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: and I will…make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing”.

She wrote in one of her books, “That verse pulled me up sharply.  Here was a man who had left everything — his home, his people, his security — and gone to a strange place because God told him to.  Maybe God was asking me to do the same.”

God was indeed asking her to do this, but she had no idea what all that would entail.  She worked as a housekeeper and saved up enough money to pay for her fare to China.  It is hard for someone in our day and time to imagine what she actually went through all by herself.  She was determined to serve the Lord.

In October, 1932, she boarded a train at Liverpool Street Station with no support and less than ten dollars in her purse.  She left all behind her and stepped out in faith moving into a place unknown, with only God to help her.

To save money, she chose a less expensive fare by taking the railway overland through Europe, Russia and Siberia.  She was warned not to take the railway all the way to China because there was fighting in Manchuria.  There was no guarantee that she would get through.  She traveled through Holland, Germany, Warsaw, Moscow and Lake Baikal to Harbin.  Seven days after leaving home, she crossed the border into Siberia.

Gladys was on the train with Russian soldiers.  This was quite a challenge, and actually, her life was in danger.  At one point she was forced to get off the train and had to walk back in deep snow to a city where the train had already stopped previously.  In reality, it was a miracle she survived!

Gladys went through one trial after another, and the Lord was faithful to finally get her to China.  There she connected with an older missionary named Jennie Lawson, in Yangcheng.  After Jennie’s death Gladys was thrust into full time ministry.  In the following years she actually lived totally as a native Chinese woman and gave up her British citizenship.

God gave Gladys great favor in high places and when the Japanese were attacking she led a large group of children to safety over the mountains risking her life.  God miraculously led them and preserved them.

After the war ended, Gladys was instrumental in leading many young people to Christ before China fell to communism.  Many missionaries left China earlier but Gladys stayed in China with the people she loved.

Gladys related, “At the end of three months we were all forced to appear in the market square.  Under a huge squad of Communist police we saw two hundred students marched into the square.  In a witness box a man stood with a list of names.  He called out the first.

A girl of 17 stepped forward.  She was refined and beautiful, and had been brought up in one of those lovely courtyards that belonged to the wealthy of Peking before the war. Previous to this day they had endeavored to brainwash the young people by hard labor and indoctrination.   She walked to the little platform.  She faltered a little and we thought she was going to fall.  Why put this slim, frail slip of a girl up first?  How could she stand?

Then her voice rang out, suddenly clear and strong.  “Sir, when I went for my three months’ indoctrination I thought Jesus Christ was real.  I thought the Bible was true.  Now I know Jesus Christ is real, I know this Book is true!”

One after another those two hundred names were called out.  Not one faltered, though they knew enough of their persecutors now to know that they would be made to suffer. Every one of them was beheaded that very day in the marketplace.

Before each execution the victim was given one last chance to recant; but even those at the end, who had been forced to watch the terrible butchery of all the others, did not flinch.  They loved not their lives even unto death!

Gladys was miraculously spared during this time of persecution in China.  She began to sense the leading of the Lord to return to England and it took a year before she was able to leave.  The Lord brought her into contact with other Christians that helped her and eventually she arrived back in England.

She had a great burden for England as she saw how the Christians had become lukewarm and more interested in the things of the world than in the things of God.  The Lord opened the doors for her to speak in many churches and many rededicated their lives to the Lord and others came to Christ.

This little woman, small of stature, but powerful in the Holy Spirit, lived a very selfless life.  She was willing to lay her life down for others that they might know Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Hollywood made a movie called “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness”.  Ingrid Bergman played Gladys Aylward.  It was a heart-touching movie, but the real life story was much greater than what the movie could portray.

If you are interested in reading her life story it is written in a book called “The Little Woman.”  It will touch your heart deeply and be a great blessing to you.

On a personal note, years ago my husband Wayne was blessed to be in a meeting in California where Gladys was speaking.

Seek the Lord’s direction for your life and be ready for a great adventure as you also answer the call of God.  You are here for a purpose and whether it is to be a missionary, a doctor, laborer or a stay-at-home mom, do it with your whole heart as unto the Lord.  When you encounter difficult times, don’t quit!

Every call is significant to the Lord.  Our part is to be obedient.

One thought on “The Call of God

  1. Betty

    What an inspiring story, it spoke to me so many times I feel like giving up, But God pulls me back to where I need to be. My purpose is to help others, even some of my difficult co workers I feel like God puts people in your life for a reason and if you turn them to God you have accomplished the most important part.

    Hoe things are going well for you and hope you had a happy holiday I love your devotions and I love you so glad I met you when I called. You are what a prayer partner should be and you have the love of God and kindness to go with it. Not every prayer partner has your act of kindness but hopefully the love of God in you will rub of on them. Have a happy new year.


    Penny Jones

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