Celebrate the Christ of Christmas

Clete Snellenberger

I often take time to be thankful that, first, I have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit through Jesus; second, that I have a beautiful wife and great children; and third, that I am able to enjoy God’s creation.

Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein.”

I am always amazed in the winter time when all the trees are bare except the Pine tree, which is always green, representing life.  Many think the green tree we decorate at Christmas is pagan, but I like to think of it as strong, enduring, refreshing and as Isaiah 55:12 say, “And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

We place lights of different colors on the tree.

White represents purity.

Red represents the Blood of Jesus.

Green represents the endurance—the easiest color to the eye.

Blue represents the Heavenlies.

My wife and I love to drive and admire God’s beautiful creation and the beauty of the lights during the Christmas season.

Man may take down the Ten Commandments, but he cannot destroy the beauty of God’s creation given forth in the gift of Lights!

Watch the video below for special song by Evie Tornquist:

Let’s Celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  His birth was foretold in the Old Testament.  Isaiah 9:6 was a prophetical writing describing Jesus before He came to earth as a child through the Virgin Mary.

Unto us a Child is born (His humanity).

Unto us a Son is given (His Divinity).

And the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His Name shall be called:

Wonderful:  takes care of dullness of life

Counselor:  Decisions in life

Mighty God:  Demands in life

Everlasting Father:  Dimensions of life

Prince of Peace:  Disturbances of life

Verse. 7:  Of the increase of His government and of Peace there shall be no end.

Watch the video below to hear London Philharmonic Orchestra performing Handel’s Messiah:

One thought on “Celebrate the Christ of Christmas

  1. I love you, Pastor Clete & ur wonderful wife, Carol….still shout “GLORY” when I think of her….Merry Christmas…. Hope to see you soon

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