Cover Your Family with Prayer

Sharon Couchman

Lately thoughts have taken me back to my days as a single mom raising four children. Scenes from the past have flooded back as I recalled the challenges that faced my family in preparing for each school year. These memories were triggered by recent conversations regarding my grandchildren’s needs for the fast-approaching new school year. Other memories popped up from seeing all those back-to-school ads.

I remember as summer days drew to a close the excitement of being out of school had run its course and my kids actually wanted to go back to school! They looked forward to having a new teacher, reuniting with old friends, making new ones, and shopping for clothes and needed supplies. During these times fear would try to grip and convince me that I would not have enough money even for the basics.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle I would cry out, pray and believe God to supply every need. I kept reminding God that He had promised to take care of us. Money was scarce. BUT GOD!! Those were stretching times that helped me grow in faith and trust the Lord as my Provider.

My prayer concerns went way beyond the provision for clothes, shoes and school supplies. Prayers for my children included (and still do) their destiny, their spiritual walk with the Lord, friends and, of course, the influence of their peer groups. Through a miraculous blessing and the favor of God my children were able to attend a wonderful Christian school for several years.

Maybe you also have some concerns for your children, grandchildren or loved ones that go beyond their current needs. I have found God to be true to His Word. His Word works! God never failed my family and He will not fail you. Let’s fill our mind, thoughts and prayers with the Word over our loved ones. One of the most effective ways to pray is to speak God’s Word over a situation. Remind the Lord of His Word. When we pray the Word we are standing in agreement with the will of God.

John 15:7 — “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

God confirms in this verse that He will honor His Word. We are to abide in God, stay close to Him and study the Word. When we know the scriptures and are abiding in the Lord we can declare God’s will over our loved ones. God will perform His Word as we have requested. It may take a process of time but with patience and endurance God will supply your every need.

Psalm 5:12 – “For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.”

We often find ourselves in a spiritual battle for our loved ones. Perhaps you are experiencing alienation or conflict in your family right now. Continue to stand firm for family restoration and that all will come to know Jesus as their Savior. Believe that someday they will live a Godly life and fulfill their destiny. Praying in this manner is in agreement with God’s best for them.

Remember to incorporate God’s promises into your prayers. Always end your prayer with thanksgiving and praise. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much! You can pray with assurance and confidence because God honors His Word. God cannot lie. He stands by His Word.

God is a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God!

Here are a few suggestions and examples of how to cover your family with prayer.

Psalm 84:11 – As my children serve you, Lord, they will receive favor in every area of their lives. I’m so grateful that you will not hold back any good thing from them as they surrender to you.

I believe my children will be led of the Lord. They will be at the right place, at the right time with the right people, doing the right thing. Thank you, Lord, that you are protecting my children today.

Father, I pray that my children will hear your voice above all others. I thank you that you are the God of breakthrough. Your power is sweeping through my family members and I believe each one will have a divine encounter with you.

Lord, I believe your great favor offsets great adversities and produces great victories in the lives of my loved ones. Your favor is on us, around us and goes before us. We have continual access to your wonderful favor and you are blessing us. Thank you, Lord!

Now some might consider these declarations as manipulative prayers and that we are trying to control other people. Just the opposite is true. We are actually praying for God’s Word and His will to be done. Your family members need your prayers whether they ask for them or not. Your heartfelt prayers will continue to work for their good.

In Jeremiah 29:11— God says that He has a hope and future for us for good and not evil. And that includes your family — even if they have not submitted to the Lord yet. God has a divine plan for all of us and desires everyone to be in His family. He loves to bless His children. Psalm 91 is an excellent chapter to pray and speak over yourself and family members.

As you seek the Lord He will quicken to you other scriptural ways to pray for your loved ones. Your family is worth the good fight of faith and your time spent in intercession. Use the mighty Word of God and the name of Jesus to severe the enemy’s plans from your household. You overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.

Continue to cover your family with prayer. God bless you and always give God the glory!!

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