Prepare – prepare – prepare!!
We are hearing this phrase more and more. Even on the U.S. Government website it lists items we should have on hand to survive a disaster or an unexpected crisis. Reliable prophets are also declaring that we must be prepared for upcoming storms, turmoil, and possible economic collapse.
Well, how do you do all that if you don’t have a lot of money?
When you hear the warnings again and again it can become overwhelming and sometimes you may feel defeated before you even start. The more I read, hear and understand from reliable prophetic voices, the more I realize my own inadequacies to fulfill all the requirements to “get ready”. I’m sure you agree that we need God’s help and direction to accomplish this task.
While feeling overwhelmed by this task, I decided to seek the Lord for advice with the goal of being ready. After prayer, I felt led to not face the monumental task ahead of me all at once, but rather take it step-by-step, one bite at a time. Remember that the Lord instructs us to not despise small beginnings. I truly believe that any effort and follow through on our part will help no matter how seemingly insignificant.
Necessities for survival include shelter, food and water. With this in mind I decided to start purchasing cases of water and collect some gallon jugs. Well it didn’t take long until everything was stacking up and soon the storage areas were getting full. I also ran tap water through my Seychelle pitcher and poured it into previously stored empty jugs.
I estimated that about 2-1/2 to 3 gallons a day were needed to take a spit-bath, have drinking water and some left over for cooking and pets (no amount allotted for flushing toilets). Then I figured I needed to multiply that by who-knows-how-many days and well, you get the picture…. It became what seemed like an impossible and insurmountable assignment.
Has it become that way for you too? Maybe you haven’t even started or perhaps you have given up on trying. (Oh, don’t forget toilet paper – kept trying to “stock up”, but with guests and regular usage the stock isn’t where it should be…)
Next I began to collect canned food–a can here and there was added to my regular shopping trips. Oh, what about heat? Well, the next purchase was a pair of thermal underwear along with a portable propane heater which was adequate for heating a small room. Additional items were picked up over several months–things like flashlights, bars of soap, extra toothpaste, matches, trash bags, etc…
Why am I sharing all of this? Because it soon became apparent that the more I tried to prepare the more unprepared I felt! Are you feeling the same way?
Frustration increased — so I inquired of the Lord. He began to speak to me about the most important preparations in life. And what were they? Well the “get ready” that God was referring to had levels of importance:
*FIRST AND FOREMOST was the necessity of being spiritually prepared — to draw closer to the Lord more than ever before, to increase my faith and trust in the Lord. If you haven’t received Christ as your Savior this can be your day of salvation. Personally, I committed to spend more time with the Lord and study of His Word.
Psalm 73:28 KJV—“But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.”
Let’s commit throughout 2013 to stay closer to the Lord than ever before. Spending time with God through prayer, study and meditation will strengthen your inner man for whatever the future holds.
Our Prayer Team is praying for you. Come back next week for Part 2 of “Get Ready”.
Need prayer? Call Morningside Prayer Line (417)779-4673
This article says it all….It is coming soon! We have been preparing since the ’80’s gradually. Do not try to do it all at one time. Take first things first! Start making a to do list. DO NOT HESITATE. Seek The Lord’s guidance.
We would recommend the buckets that we received from Jim Bakker. They are very good and nutritious. Foremost…be spiritually prepared as stated above. Wickedness will be beyond our imagination.
Thank you fro this encouragement. Being in right relationsship has to be our priority.
Yes, I too was feeling that way when it came to stocking up on things. I also knew we must be spiritually ready first of all. I already have bottled water delivered to my house, so I could just ask for more to be delivered and then get the Saychelle pitcher and hand pump. Later, a few extra filters would be nice to have. My food storage was very sparse. I then had an idea! Why not buy some Food For Health in the buckets and start to eat it in the quantities suggested since we Americans do not use proper portion control and see if it is less expensive than buying food from the store. My goal is to slash the grocery bill in half and use the other half to stock up. This is a small and very late start, but the rest is just giving it over to God and letting Him direct me.
thank you jim and lori. may GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS CONTINULY .
Thank you Jim and Lori for preaching and teaching the Word of God helping all who will lisen to get better prepared for the Lord’s coming. May our Lord and Savior Greatly Bless you and the Ministry.
Thanks Jim for having Rabbi Jonathan Cahn on your program. I have received the books, tapes, and dvd’s. Since I lost my job in January 2012 I have watched you and Lori everyday, I receive your show at least 5 times Mon thru Fri and watch everyone of them. I also watched PTL back when I was in my twenty’s and have always believed in you and prayed for you. Continue to do what our Lord and Savior tells you to do, love you all and May God Bless you always is my prayer.
Thank you for this post. I’m looking forward to Part Two. I’ve been feeling exactly the same way — I feel like no matter what I do to prepare I realize how much more needs to be done. Also, I feel like I haven’t been focusing enough on my spiritual preparedness. This is just what I needed at this time. Lord bless you!
What a delight to hear Jim and Lori preach and to show their newest grandbaby. I especially loved the grayhound of Tammy Sue and all the puppies! And of course, Tammy Sue, is so delightful as she was from the very beginning of PTL. I watched her and Jamie Charles grow up on TV.
Best Christian Regards,
Brenda Hall – King, North Carolina
I first started with PTL when I was in my early 20 as a young mother I am now a grandmother and I’m so very happy to reconnect with The Bakkers may God bless this Ministry