Many of us get caught up in being busy for the Lord–frantically trying to accomplish certain tasks. We think we are doing the work of the Lord. Many become stressed and anxious in the middle of doing God’s work. If this is you, then it’s important to take a closer look at what you are doing and consider the possibility that just maybe God did not assign those particular tasks to you.
Most likely, these are all “good ideas” but are they God’s ideas”? When we look around we observe many Christians and Christian ministries struggling. Could it be that we are doing “good works” in our own strength? This mistake could be causing many to “burn out”, quit the ministry or give up on ever doing enough for God. Most Christians are motivated to be used of the Lord and please God but often we end up piling more on ourselves and get into unnecessary “works”. This results in man-made stress. So what is the answer??
When God wants something done, He supplies abundant provision and opens the doors wide. When the doors are not opening, it could mean, it is either not God’s timing or God has something else in mind. If you are in a season of wondering what God is doing, then it is time to STOP and WAIT! Easier said than done, I know. When we get ahead of God we usually hit a dead-end. Then we have to back up and start all over again. Life is so much simpler when we let the Holy Spirit lead the way.
Most of us still have a great deal of “self” that we are dealing with. We all want to believe our motives are pure. However, if we truly search our hearts we may have to admit that we are still wanting recognition and seeking the approval of others. It saddens me to watch the “VIP” mentality among the Christian community. Non-believers are watching too!
When we can honestly decide that we are “content in our circumstances” (regardless of the circumstances) and we live one day at a time in obedience to God’s Word – it is then that we are pleasing God. It is then we find great peace and joy in the Lord. Many are trying to please people in order to be accepted. People will disappoint us without even meaning to.
God never disappoints and He will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 — “…I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” KJV If you are a “people pleaser” and overly concerned about what others think of you, then today is your opportunity to begin anew. You can choose to become a “God pleaser”.
God is the only One who truly knows your heart and loves you at all times. He has your life in His hands. Let’s please the God who is your true Father – the God who has a definite purpose for your life, a hope and a future for good and not evil (Jeremiah 29:11).
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
My personal prayer—
“Dear Lord, Give me the courage to do only what needs to be done in your eyes, through your power.”
Thank you for this enlightening and helpful word!
A word in due season! Thank you!
Thank you. This is so awesome. It was just what I needed to hear today. Again thank you and God Bless,