What can we do during these perilous days to stay safe? Is there a protection plan available in the midst of this world’s upheaval and turmoil? Well, Good News! A place of refuge has been provided by the Lord. How do we enter into this safe environment? Let’s examine closely the conditions and qualifications required for this promise of protection to function in our life.
Psalm 91:1— “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Notice there is a “dwelling” and a “secret place” that is found in the “Most High”— not in a natural resource). This involves spending time in God’s presence and having an ongoing fellowship with Him. Stay so close to God that He overshadows you with His protection. (Verse 2) “I will say of the Lord”— notice that we are instructed to say something (out loud!). What are we to say? What is our testimony of our great God? We say that God is our refuge and our fortress, my God; in Him will I trust. Declare this over your life and family!
What facilitates the following promises to manifest in our life? Verse 4 – He will cover us, we will trust Him, His truth will be our shield and buckler. This indicates that we need to acquire enough knowledge of God’s Word to recognize what is truth. When the enemy attacks, we can follow Jesus’ example and war with the Word of God which is our shield and buckler. Verse 5-6 – We are not to fear terror – things that occur in the night or during daylight. Protection in many areas is promised in Verses 7-12, including the angels watching over us. According to Verse 13 we will have the victory in all situations — no matter what the size or intensity of the event! What a promise!!
Psalm 91:14 – Why do we have these blessings? Because WE have set our love on God and He in turn promises to deliver us. God will promote us because we have KNOWN His name (are acquainted intimately with God). Verse 15 — As we call upon God, He promises He will answer us, He will be with us and He will deliver us from trouble. What a faithful God we serve!
Our obedience and compliance with the conditions given in the first few and last verses of Psalm 91 (our part), positions us to receive the promises of Psalm 91. God will satisfy us with long life and will display His salvation for us!!
This is our safe haven — God’s Protection Plan — not only to survive, but to thrive and emerge as winners!
II Corinthians 2:14–“Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ….”