Happy Vs. Joy

Pat Turnbaugh

My best friend was always telling me he just wanted to be happy.  My response was happy depends on things that happen.  In other words, happiness depends on the external things that happen to us.  Joy is an internal thing and is not dependent on what is happening around and to us.  So happy depends on the external things in our life.  Joy, on the other hand depends on the internal things in our life.

Jesus promises us Joy and not necessarily Happiness.  In John 15: 10 & 11, Jesus says that He has obeyed the Father and remains in the Father’s love.  If we obey Jesus we will remain in His love.  Why is it so important to obey Jesus and to remain in His love?  Jesus says in verse 11, “so that our Joy will be the fullest possible Joy.”  Would you be willing to exchange the Joy of the Lord for the happiness that depends on the good or bad happenings of life?

Paul in Romans 14:17 (NCV) says, “In the Kingdom of God, eating and drinking are not important.  The important things are living right with God, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

To me, this means that we need food and drink but they should not be the focus of our life.  Our focus should be on God and the things of God.

In 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NCV) it says, “We set our eyes not on what we see but on what we cannot see.  What we see will last only a short time, what we cannot see will last forever.”

That is why we should seek the Joy of the Lord rather than the externals of the world on which happiness depends.  So, my advice is to seek Joy, and do not be deceived into chasing after the false hope of happiness.

Always remember the Joy of the Lord is our strength.  If you feel that having true Joy seems impossible, remember:

Luke 21:37.  “Nothing is impossible with God.”


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