What Is Honor?

When I was a student in Bill Johnson’s church in Redding, California, one thing amazed me even more than the many miracles I saw taking place there.  It was the unrestrained, lavish and joyful outpouring of Honor which was a daily occurrence at Bethel.  Of course, we students stood and clapped and cheered loudly for at least five minutes whenever Bill or Associate Pastors Chris or Danny came to the podium to teach us.  But we also did it for anyone who stepped on the stage:  an administrator, an accountant or even a fellow student.

The time I remember most of all was when the President of the nearby Nazarene College came to tell us of the degree programs that they offered.  He had already invited Bethel students to live in the Nazarene College dorms and take meals at the campus cafeteria at special rates, but he had never been to Bethel before to speak to us in person.  As he came out, we, as usual, stood to our feet and began to cheer and shout and clap to Honor him.  Many of us were thinking that he probably did not get this kind of treatment at his own college.  (It’s making me cry now just remembering it.)  We saw so many reactions run across his face and we responded with louder cheers, giving more Honor.  He could not make us stop.  We probably went on for a solid twenty minutes.

By the time we finished giving him Honor, his heart was in a puddle on the floor.  He was so undone.  We saw the Lord minister life and healing, respect and approbation, restoration and appreciation, and dignity and love to a man who, like most of us, was probably starved for it.   Honor truly brings great refreshing to God’s people.

The word Honor in the Old Testament comes from the root word “Kabod,” which means “to give weight to someone.”  It is an internal attitude of giving respect, courtesy and dignity to others and it is expressed by corresponding actions.  It empowers and validates people when we acknowledge their value.  God encourages Honoring throughout the Bible.

In the beginning, God gave Honor to all of us by creating us in His own image and likeness (Genesis 1:27).  He asks of us to Honor Him (1 Corinthians 6:20), those in places of authority (Romans 13:1-7), parents (Ephesians 6:1-2), fellow believers (Romans 12:10), the king and all men (1 Peter 2:7).

Honor is a gift that we should freely give to all.  Our God is worthy of all Honor and He receives it in our songs and thanksgiving (Revelation 4:11).  He Honors those who Honor Him (1 Samuel 2:30) and do the things that please Him (1 Corinthians 6:20).  Humility always precedes honor (Proverbs 18:12).

We live in a country and time of Dishonor. We see our God, our faith, the history of our nation, our constitution, our military, our policemen, and our unborn children being killed, abused and ridiculed by people without the knowledge of God.  Bullies run rampant in our schools.  Coarse jesting, obscenity, crude joking, filthiness, flippant talk, vulgarity and sensuality (Ephesians 5:3-4), are acceptable expressions of how “cool” we are.  Or could it possibly be revealing how deeply the spirits of pride, rejection and self- hatred are operating in our lives?  In 1 Corinthians 13:5, Paul says love does not Dishonor, doesn’t behave unseemly, is not rude, does not do what is shameful.

As God’s children, we must learn to choose an attitude of honor at all times.  We can start by meditating on the following scriptures:

Romans 12:10  In Honor preferring one another – Maybe we could give someone else the good seat and take the one in the back or let someone with kids go ahead of us in the grocery line.

Proverbs 25:2  By searching out a matter – How many times have we slandered someone after hearing a matter, and later found out that it was untrue?  We must not believe every report.

Proverbs 20:3  Ceasing from strife – Do we have to be right, have the last word or can we let it go?

Proverbs 14:31  Have mercy on the poor – Do you know of someone in need?  Is there some way you can help?

Proverbs 27:18  Wait on the Lord’s timing – Be willing to patiently endure until the Lord answers your prayers.  He that waits on his Master shall be Honored.

Proverbs 13:18  By being open to correction – Can we hear helpful criticism and are we open to make changes?  Or do we refuse to listen, knowing we are right?

Proverbs 18:12  Do we act in humility towards all we meet? – Do we take particular care around the aged, people with disabilities, the mentally ill, the retarded and small children to show respect and kindness?  Or do we only treat our leaders and those in our own set with courtesy?

Henry Drummond said, “Courtesy is love in the little things, politeness has been defined as love in trifles.  And the secret of politeness is love.”    This is a good place for all of us to show Honor, by practicing courtesy and good manners in all of our daily interactions. Gratitude is yet another.  Many serve behind the scenes in ministries/churches with little or no recognition and appreciation, yet Bob Jones said the Church cannot even work without this Ministry of Helps. We desperately need to thank these people.

A truly grateful heart seeks to Honor our military and police, also.  Perhaps if you see a policeman or someone in military uniform at Walmart or McDonald’s, you could introduce yourself and say, “Thank you for your service.”  It might mean more to them than you could guess.

It is so easy to dishonor people by laughing at unkind remarks made about them by others who feel that there is something not quite right about them, that they are not quite good enough and that they don’t really fit.  But to ridicule people is to dishonor the One Who created them.  He made us to be very unique and the more different we are really reveals how true we are to the heart God has created in us.  We are not cookie cutter people, paper dolls, copies of the world’s idea of the “Ideal Man or Woman.”

We were made to express Christ, the Christ Who made no two snowflakes alike.  He delights in all our variations.  Our Papa in Heaven, honored above all for eternity, has honored us greatly, first by making us all in His Image, and then by asking His Son Jesus to take our place on the cross.  We Honor Him when we live according to His Word, which teaches us to Honor others.

Honor is a great gift that all of us can give to others.  I was at a table getting to know people on the first day of a Christian school when a man who looked rather retarded at the table asked someone a question.  He had interrupted a lengthy conversation and everyone at the table expected a quick or a very simple answer.  Instead the person turned to him with great respect and gave him a kind and intelligent answer.  To our surprise, the man, who had both brain and body damage from birth through the negligence of his mother, gave a wise response. He was a strong Christian and a wise man.  The respect shown to this man that day set the standard and throughout the time of the seminar, people honored him.  He blossomed beautifully and grew in confidence and joy during the school and went home a blessed man.

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