A House of Prayer

Terry Lynn Stubblefield

Mark 11:17 Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’?

God has called the Church to be a house of prayer for all nations. We are to be known for prayer. It’s not that other issues are not important, because they certainly are. But when we line things up with God’s priority, it’s like buttoning a shirt. We button the top button first, and then everything else begins to match up and begins to work.

Somewhat similarly, it’s like when we fail to tithe or honor the Sabbath in an effort to have enough money and enough time for ourselves. These efforts are in vain because we are denying God’s blessings on our own efforts.

If prayer was down on the list of importance, I don’t think God would have named us a house of prayer. When you read and see the reaction of Jesus to the lack of prayer in the temple, (Mark 11:15-17) it gives a clear picture the prayer is a priority in the eyes of God. God wants us to consider our ways! When God’s house is out order then everything else becomes out of order.

Why is prayer so important? Because there are things God can do through the power of united prayer that He cannot do any other way.

One example of united prayer is in Acts 4. The religious leaders had threatened Peter and John and commanded them not to preach about Jesus anymore. When Peter and John returned to their own (company) and told all that the chief priests and elders had said to them, that whole company of believers “lifted their voices together with one united mind to God and said…” Acts 4:24 Amp

Notice that verse doesn’t say that one person spoke out while everyone else sat by silently. It doesn’t say they all prayed at once about a hundred different things. They didn’t have one person praying over here about souls, another person over there praying about their sick grandmother and another person praying for finances for the church.

Because in united prayer, everyone lifts up their voice and prays at once about the same thing. They are in harmony, praying in the same direction and believing for the same thing. Great power is released through united prayers!! The believers in Acts 4 prayed corporately for God to grant His servants boldness to preach and to stretch out His Hand to cure and perform sign and wonders. And when they were finished the place was shaken with the power of God! ~ Acts 4:31 Amp

I am praying for God’s body to be motivated to pray corporately. Whenever you get the opportunity, get into a prayer meeting. We are to be known as a house of prayer for all nations!

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