It’s a New Day!!

Sharon Couchman

Blessed and Happy New Year from all of us here at Morningside!

Well, here we are at the beginning of the BIG 2012! Do you have goals for this year? Are you wanting to lose a significant amount of weight (I do), or buy a house/farm (I do!)? Do you desire a better job? (No, love the one I have!) Have you decided to exercise more and improve your health by eating better?

Before locking in your goals for 2012, try something different this year! Begin by first inquiring of the Lord what He would like for you to do or have this year. Examine your own heart and identify the breakthroughs needed in your life. Write them down, pray over them and begin heading in that direction through prayer, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and study of Gods’ Word. Let’s say, for example, you want a better relationship with someone in your life. Then begin first by allowing the Lord to deal with your own heart. Then ask the Father to do a deep work of cleansing, forgiving and reconciliation in everyone involved. God has a great plan for your life. While you are discovering it, determine to walk in love and submit to the direction of the Holy Spirit regarding each situation.

John 10:10 states that “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy…” Satan is a dream thief and he has destructive plans for your life. Satan tries to convince God’s people that nothing will ever change no matter how hard we try. He wants to hinder or stop you in any possible way. He wants to rip from your heart the very desires that God Himself has placed within you. His objective is to “freeze” you in your present circumstances while imparting to you a defeatist attitude. The enemy will harass you, hoping you will decide to “give up” or “quit trying”. If you give in, you may find yourself surrendering to the “Poor me”, “Why even try?” victim mentality. When you believe these lies and resign to them, then you have just fulfilled the devil’s evil plan.

But, Listen Up! There is GOOD NEWS! And that is the God Factor. The Bible has already foretold the devil’s future. He is a loser and His plans will ultimately fail because Jesus defeated Him at Calvary. 1 John 3:8–…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. KJV

So, what should you do when your goals are not yet attained and you are in the “waiting room?” Well, that is the opportune time to continue standing, believing and speaking God’s Word!! Determine to stay in agreement with God. Seek God’s heart and stay in His word. Thank the Lord for working behind the scenes and give Him praise!

Yes, this is a new day (year) that the Lord has made and you can choose to rejoice and be glad in it! Why? Because you serve a wonderful, faithful and powerful Lord who promises He will never leave or forsake you. God has a hope and future for you for good and not evil. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Regardless of what occurs around you or the latest news report, God’s promises are still true. Psalm 119:89–“Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.”(KJV) Likewise, let His word be forever settled in your heart. As prophetic and earth-shaking events increase in 2012, may your faith and trust in God become unshakable! God bless you!


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