Here we go! 2013 is here! Now what? Well, the sun is still shining, Earth did not stop spinning and we are still drawing breath. December 21, 2012, has come and gone – and the predictions of the Mayans have failed to produce the doomsday scenario.
However, Revelation prophecies are unfolding and the kingdom of darkness is ramping up its onslaught. People are more confused than ever and morality is sliding down a slippery slope at an alarming rate.
BUT GOD!! We must remind ourselves that we have been called out of the world’s system. We are now members of the Kingdom of God – the Kingdom that will never perish. God’s power and strength is available to His people when we call upon Him.
Psalm 68:35–“The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people.” NKJV
Yes, Revelation events will occur, attacks will come, and the world’s system will be in turmoil and confusion, but we are destined for victory because of Jesus! We cannot rely on this world’s system for our security. We are of a different Kingdom and the Lord promises to give strength and power to His people. Psalm 68:35—“The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people.” NKJV
So, what about your future? Well, I have good news! God is already in your future! How do I know that? Because the Word says so!
Hebrews 13:8—“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”
As followers of Christ we can be comforted by knowing that before our future arrives, God has already been there. He is still the More-Than-Enough God and has an abundant supply for ALL of our needs.
Philippians 4:19—“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
There is a tremendous harvest of souls to be reaped and you are here to help pray this into being. Your effectual fervent prayers will avail much and assist in the end-time revival. God has spoken through several prophetic voices recently that there would be an increase in signs, wonders, miracles and amazing healings!
At the beginning of last year I recommended a special scripture. However, I believe that same verse is even more relevant for 2013!
Daniel 11:32—“…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” KJV
Already during the first two weeks of this year the Morningside Prayer Center has learned of several outstanding healings. These individuals were literally at death’s door but have now recovered. The doctors in both cases are admitting that these are miracles. We give God all the praise and glory!
So be expecting good things in 2013. God is not finished showing Himself mighty on your behalf. Keep believing the promises of God because God’s Word is true!
Morningside Prayer Partners are here to pray with you. Call (417)779-4673
Come back next week for “Let’s Talk 2013” Part 2. I will be sharing my notes from Morningside’s New Year’s Eve service with Pastor Jim Bakker.
Thank you so much, Pastor Jim, for allowing God to use you in the latter half of your life!!!!!! God is GOOD!
I am a Missionary kid who grew up in the jungles of Ecuador and then lived in Waxhaw NC. I worked one summer at Heritage USA. I drove the train. 🙂 I thoroughly enjoyed myself and was disheartened when the ministry crumbled and you went to prison. I am SO GLAD that you have been faithful and that you are back on tv, sharing what God has given you and helping us get prepared. Your life has been a testimony of God’s true REDEMPTION and been a blessing to me as I now raise 3 children in these last days. I HOPE to train them to be the strongest, healthiest, most ready Christian warriors for Jesus! I LOVE you and am ever grateful for your “NOW” Ministry! Keep the faith!I am praying for you.
thanks so much for being in touch
your inspiring words mean so much,
my prayer request is Matt. 18 19-20
the realization,in the LORD, of the
Morningside Mission Statement