Let’s Talk 2015 (Pt. 1)

Sharon Couchman

Well, here we go again!  For you devoted readers you will recognize that this “talk” happens at the beginning of every year.  Let’s first start by looking back and then we will move forward into the new year.

In my own life and with many of my acquaintances, 2014 was a very challenging, yet rewarding year.  Many doors of ministry opportunity have opened, as well as doors closing, because assignments from the Lord have been fulfilled.  In the Prayer Center we have heard many wonderful testimonies of answered prayer and we give God all the glory! 

Also, some family members, friends or perhaps people we admired from afar have passed into their eternal destiny.  Our loved ones are greatly missed but our lives continue on.

Here at Morningside the loss of our dear Grandma Maxine has affected many, including you.  Please keep Pastor Jim, Lori and family in your prayers as Grandma’s homegoing has deeply impacted their lives. She is a grand lady and we are blessed to have known her.

Also, much tragedy, violence and horrific attacks have surfaced this past year at an alarming rate.  Economic troubles plague many and some aren’t even sure if they will make it to the next month due to job loss, etc.  Depression is rampant, grocery prices have skyrocketed, and now America is No. 2 in the world economically with China taking first place.  It appears the enemy has “ramped up” his agenda to discourage and destroy as many lives as possible.

So, what is there to look forward to in 2015?  Well, I have a word from the Lord.  “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!”  God is still on the throne and there is a window of time ordained of God for prophecies to unfold.  We are privileged to be part of the Revelation Generation!

If God was finished with any of us we would have been long gone!  There is a purpose for your existence at this time in history.  There never has been a time like this, nor will there ever be again.  God’s light is shining brighter through His people as the world grows darker.  There is still a remnant of people who dearly love God and are called to be God’s ambassadors.

Pastor Jim’s recent word for the Body of Christ is “Get your boots on!”  He went on to say that we may have to go through some mud, but with our boots on we will be dressed for the occasion.

I had mixed emotions when I first heard Pastor Jim give that instruction.  I was sobered realizing that some events get “muddy” because of all the challenges, spiritual warfare and trials of life.  But then I became exhilarated as I realized that just a few days before Pastor Jim gave this word I had purchased boots for the first time in 33 years!  Little did I know beforehand that those boots had prophetic significance!

Pastor Jim went on to elaborate that when we go through mud it is much easier if we are prepared and have a pair of boots on.  We are better able to maneuver if we have the proper attire. There is spiritual attire God has given us which is listed in Ephesians 6.  These are the weapons of our warfare which prepare and equip us for any battle we are facing.

“Get your boots on” is an expression that most understand as meaning “be prepared” and “get ready”.  God promises to be with us and already declares us victorious even before we see the victory.  We are to endure as good soldiers.

II Timothy 2:3 KJV – “… endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

And that is where we are as Christ’s body on the earth.  We have to get our boots on the ground.  Let’s determine to be grounded in the Word, walking in love, and fulfilling the call of God on our lives.

(Come back next week for Part II of Let’s Talk)

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