In Part I we learned several things that will assist in our goal of living pure in an impure world.
In review they are:
1) Become intimately acquainted with Jesus.
2) Study the Word.
3) Daily ask the Lord to cleanse you.
4) Listen to God’s Spirit within you and follow His leading.
Let’s continue with our study —
#5 – Be aware of what you are consuming mentally. “Be careful little eyes what you see”. God made us with an eye-gate, an ear-gate and a mouth-gate. Each one of these entrances to our body is a subject in themselves. In summary, though, what you allow yourself to see, hear and say will ultimately influence your life and those around you.
When someone is struggling to overcome a habit, addiction, attitude, etc. — it is so important to acknowledge the battle has already been won by Jesus. It is through these times that you learn to continually lean on Jesus. He will provide you with the help and strength to overcome.
#6 – Speak victory over your life. Declare that you are free from the sins that so easily beset you. Talk to yourself, say, “Whom that Son has set free is free indeed. I am a child of God and I am no longer in bondage to this sin (name it). Thank you Jesus, that I am free from this habit, addiction, etc. (name what it is even while you are still doing it!) ” Cry out passionately to the Lord and ask Him to cleanse and deliver you. Then believe that He has and that you are!!
Say what? How can you say you’re free from sinful patterns and bondages that still plague you? Because that is who God says you are! You belong to Jesus! You no longer are to be enslaved by worldly ways. The power of sin has been broken over you through Christ. Let this sink in and become reality in your mindset.
The battle is the Lord’s and He has attained the victory by defeating death, hell and the grave at Calvary and through the Resurrection. Christ’s Spirit dwells in you if you are born again. So, Friend, you are on your path to victory! There may be a season of time before you see it manifest, but keep standing, believing and speaking God’s Word into the situation.
Father God has promised to give you the help you need while here on Earth.
Psalm 46:1– God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Through the help, power and strengthening of Holy Spirit you can live free and not succumb to Satan’s deception, temptations and traps. Allow the Lord to instruct you and heed his warnings to avoid pitfalls. He desires the best for you.
John 8:36—“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” KJV
#7 — Keep exalting Jesus! Give Jesus first place—in your life, home, employment, relationships, thoughts, etc. — stay focused on Him. Commit to prayer, study of the Scripture and cooperate with God. Choose His best by obeying His Word. It really isn’t about finding security in the “doing”, but rather in the “being” of who you truly are in Christ. The doing will follow as a result of “being”. The Christ-like example you are to others will encourage them that they also can live pure in an impure world.
Am I trying to convince you that you will never have another trial or temptation or issue that needs healing? NO! But as you practice your victory walk and talk through Jesus, you will be taking back what the enemy has stolen. We are all in the process of being conformed to the image of Christ.
You are an overcomer in Christ by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. The One who is greater than all evil, temptations or trials lives in you!
Revelation 12:11– And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; …”
Now what? Well, God gets all the glory! Keep praising Him! You can reflect God’s love to the world through your daily living. We are called “living epistles” (letters) by the Apostle Paul – and those around us are “reading” and observing how we live and respond to life’s challenges.
Psalm 46:1—“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” KJV
God can use your life to demonstrate how to be IN this world–but not OF it. Living pure in an impure world comes from knowing the Pure One—JESUS!!
In need of prayer? Call Morningside Prayer Center (417)779-4673
Thank you.
It is a challenge to not let the world affect you since it is all around you. It is like dipping a brush in a paint can without the paint getting on the brush.
God Bless You!
I watch your show everyday and enjoy the word,teaching and learning about preparing too…may GOD bless you and your family and the staff! someday I would love to come out and visit and see Lori House too… 🙂
Jim and Lori we thoroughly enjoyed being at morning side this week. We loved the music praise and teaching. We will back
God bless you and your staff.