Make Room!

Sharon Couchman

Several weeks ago the Lord spoke to our intercessory group and said “Make Room.”

So what did that mean?

The Lord went on to explain that He desired to do a deeper work in our lives.  God wants us to expand our thinking, open our hearts and allow Him to heal old wounds.  He wants to impart more insight, wisdom, revelation and discernment to His people for these end times. This means making room in our daily life for more time with the Lord and the study of His Word.

1 Samuel 15:22 KJV – “…to obey is better than sacrifice…”

We were also instructed to make room in our thinking for new ventures and doing things we would not have considered or had the courage to perform.  Some things we may have had glimpses of before, but others would be brand new.  The Lord mentioned that we have latent gifts that had not been developed and asked for our willingness to flow with Him and develop these gifts.

It is up to us to be willing to be stretched.  Making room includes learning and exercising immediate obedience.  Times are such that if we don’t immediately respond to the urgings of the Holy Spirit, it could affect our safety or even be the difference of life or death.

Need direction or wisdom?  Here’s the answer!

James 1:5 – “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.” Holman Christian Standard Bible

Proverbs 3:6 – “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

God wants us to practice exercising the muscle of obedience.  Start with small things such as following through with a phone call, praying for someone when they come to mind, or writing someone an encouraging note.

For me some “small” acts of obedience have included; picking clothes up off the floor in a store because I’ve accidentally bumped the rack, giving a bottle of water to someone who is overheated, throwing someone else’s trash away, or making a point to stop and talk with a discouraged person.  I mention these examples not to exalt myself, but hopefully to help you know that any spirit-led act of service is establishing a practice of responding to the Lord’s direction.

It will be different for each of us, but the key is responding to the urgings of the Holy Spirit.  We are here to obey God and serve Him any way He desires.

Interruptions and inconveniences are often required for obedience.  When this happens, find your peace in knowing that the flesh is being disciplined and you are becoming stronger.

Ever been shopping and noticed while unloading the cart there was some small item still in the cart that had not been paid for?  Several times that has happened to me.  The clerks are always pleasantly surprised when I go back and pay for an item.  I always tell them, “I like to sleep at night.”  Meaning it’s easier to sleep well with a clear conscience.

Years ago I needed more clothes for a new job that required a lot of public contact.  I was trusting the Lord to make a way for this to happen.  During the time of waiting God instructed me to seed good clothes (not worn or threadbare) to several people.  Soon after new clothes were in my closet!

When God says “Make Room” you have a part in the process. God always has more blessings for us but it usually requires obedience on our part which is our way of making room. It starts with saying yes and setting your will to submit to the Lord.  At first it may be uncomfortable because you will have to rearrange your schedule along with your thinking and priorities.

So, if God is all knowing about what we’re in the middle of, and He knows we have the ability with His help to make room, then who are we to say “I can’t do that!”  Instead, go for it!  It’s like anything else – when you have a goal you stay focused and start moving toward that target.  I believe if we “make room” and respond to God’s direction He has blessings in mind!  And, those blessings aren’t just for you, but also for others.

God has fresh anointing, fresh words, and fresh assignments for this new season in your life. Be willing to walk away from bad relationships that are draining your energy and focus.  Cease from unproductive or damaging habits.  Leave unfruitful time-consuming routines behind.  Close the door of temptation by casting down ungodly thoughts.

2 Corinthians 7:1 – “Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” NIV

2 Corinthians 10:5 – “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” KJV

God still gives us choices.  He is asking us to “Make Room.”  Will you respond to this beckoning?  It is up to you to apply your hand, effort and focus to God’s direction.

Submit to the loving hand of our Father. He wants to do a mighty work in you and through you.  The Lord desires for you to continue growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So make room and you will be walking the Spirit!

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