A Missionary Story

Betty Dewhirst

From the time I was a young girl I was deeply moved whenever we would have a missionary speaker at our church. I would find myself at the altar at the end of the service, and would imagine being overseas someday as a missionary. The Lord put this in my heart and through the years it never left.

I received Jesus into my heart when I was in the sixth grade, and I endeavored to serve Him as best I knew how. I was married when I was not quite nineteen and by the time I was 26, I had five children.

The Lord made it very real to me that my children were my main mission field and that when they were grown my husband and I would be going overseas as missionaries. I am so grateful that my husband, Stuart, was a godly husband who loved the Lord and was a real spiritual leader to our family. Stuart received his call to the ministry after being a music teacher in public schools for a number of years.

In 1984, the dream of going overseas became a reality and we left our family and friends to go to the Philippines. We had traveled on missionary trips for several weeks at a time, but now this would be our home. We were about to embark on a great new adventure with the Lord.

We fell in love with the people. There is a beauty in the Filipino people that touches one’s heart. We soon became Mama and Papa to all those we knew. My husband was gifted with such a loving, giving heart and he was greatly loved by all the staff at the mission where we were living and serving. I loved the laid-back lifestyle and gentleness of the people. In the afternoons we always rested due primarily to the great humidity and heat.

I found that being in the will of God is the best place to be. We missed our loved ones, including our adult children, but we were very fulfilled knowing that we were in the will of God.

We were there about a year when my husband was stricken with a very severe case of Hepatitis A. Normally Hepatitis A is not severe or life threatening. But, Stuart was hit hard. We prayed and believed God to raise him back to good health. He did recover, yet this disease greatly weakened his body.

Stuart had such a heart for the people and the Lord used him to reach out to many people in our little city of San Fernando, La Union. God gave him favor with the mayor of the city. Stuart would often go down and play his keyboard at the city outdoor market and touched many lives as he did.

We were involved in city-wide revival meetings with an evangelist and many were saved and healed! There was a precious move of the Holy Spirit. Those years in the Philippines were the most blessed times of ministry and fulfillment for Stuart. Two young men who were in the Bible School lived with us and today they are pastors. My current husband, Wayne, and I continue to support these pastors who are truly impacting many lives.

In James 4:14, the Word of God tells us that our life is but a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Little did we know that our time in the Philippines would be cut short. After returning from a trip to the states to visit churches and raise support, Stuart suffered a severe heart attack. A few months later he went to be with the Lord.

There are some things we will never understand this side of the veil. During this time of Stuart’s home going, I experienced the grace of God in abundance. This wonderful grace carried me through this difficult season and I seemed to be lifted above all that was happening. God’s peace filled my heart!

Stuart and I were only in the Philippines for a few years together and although I may never fully understand it all, this one thing I know —–My God is faithful and my trust is in Him! The Lord reminded me that the ministry of Jesus was only three years. Our life here on earth is preparation for eternity. We see through a glass darkly. We know in part and we see in part, but I have grown through what I have experienced in my life.

Do you realize that Jesus Himself, learned obedience by the things He suffered?

Hebrews 5:8 “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;…”

If we are to reign with Him, we must suffer with Him!

I wanted to share some of my life’s story with you to encourage you to fulfill your destiny and trust the Lord with your life. Give God full control and you will have a wonderful testimony of God’s faithfulness.

The Lord is my Life, my only hope of Righteousness,
The Lord is my Rest, I will struggle no more,
The Lord is my Strength, My Fortress and Strong Tower
The Lord is my All in All!

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