One Night Above All Nights

What was that night, why was it special for you and me?

It was the night our Saviour was born.  Why was He born?

Isaiah 35:10 – “They shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” NKJV

I am so thankful that one day I, too, received this gladness and joy.

“That dark, velvety sky was clear and studded with sparkling stars that had looked down on earth since the beginning of time.  Shepherds appeared to be sitting idly by their flocks but in fact were keeping a sharp lookout for anything or anyone who might harm the sheep entrusted to their care.”  Anne Graham Lotz

I chose also to entrust myself and my family to our Lord Jesus who was born that Christmas day!

Psalm 145:18 – “The Lord is near to all who call up Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”

A baby cried that clear night, born of a virgin.

One day, I too heard that cry, and received the gift that opens Heaven’s gate and welcomes you and me and all who place their faith in Him!

The hope born that night continues to radiate down to me and has totally enveloped my heart.

Has it reached down to touch you and yours?  Let that hope be for all of you today.

What miracle are you waiting to receive?  Could it be that God also is waiting to receive?  Could it be that God is also waiting – waiting for you to simply trust and obey?

James 2:17 – “Faith, by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead.

Through the years I am learning to trust Him more.  He loves me and I love Him.  Love does cover a multitude of sins — it covers mine and has set me free.

Let Jesus set you free.  Receive the gift that keeps on giving daily – God’s love, mercy and grace through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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