Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Cosie Robinson

Recently I spent time in the Lord’s presence seeking how to effectively pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.  The Holy Spirit led me to pray these prayers that I am sharing with you.

We thank you, Father, for your everlasting love for Jerusalem and your faithfulness to her throughout the ages. You are her mighty Fortress and Deliverer.

Lord, according to your request in Psalm 122:6 – “6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee;” we pray for Jerusalem during such a time as this. We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, safety and protection, shalom and wholeness, health and happiness, blessing and fullness, righteousness and holiness.  According to Zechariah 2:12 — We pray that you yourself would be the Wall of Fire around about her and the glory in the midst of her, Lord of Hosts, Adonai Tzevaot.  

Lord, help us to stand in the gap and pray your will and plans for Jerusalem.  Help us to build up her walls, repair her breaches and strengthen her gates.  When her enemies come against her, cause them to be scattered, dispersed, destroyed and utterly defeated.  We will not tolerate any darkness in Jerusalem.  We bind Satan from coming against her and strip away all the power of the enemy in the name of Jesus.  We confidently and victoriously plead the Blood of Jesus against the enemy.   We tenderly plead the Blood over Jerusalem, the Blood of the Lamb who shed His tears over her before going to the cross to shed His blood for her.

We declare and decree that the enemies of Israel, both in the natural realm and the spiritual realm, have no power over her.   God keeps her in complete safety under His wings.  Day and night, night and day, He watches over her lest any harm her.  No weapons formed against her will prosper, including the nuclear bombs of Iran, Russia and the rest of the world.  No economic sanctions will break her.  No UN resolutions will cause her to be shaken.  Isis will not bring pain, destruction or terror into her gates.

Our Father, please send your warring angels to encamp around Jerusalem.  Construct walls of angels and intercessors to cover Israel and Jerusalem.  Make us a fortress strong and invincible as we faithfully bring our petitions before you for the joy of the whole earth, the City of the Great King.  (Psalm 48)  We declare that her breaches are repaired, her gates are strong and fortified, and her walls are high and unsurmountable.

We declare that Jerusalem is beloved of her God.  God will rule and reign over Jerusalem forever.

Psalm 132:14 — “This is my rest forever, here will I dwell, for I have desired it.”

Lord, we ask according to Psalm 132 that you would abundantly bless her provision and satisfy her poor with bread… Clothe her enemies with shame, but let the crown of Jerusalem flourish.  We stand on your word in Psalm 2, declaring and decreeing that you have established your King upon Your holy hill of Zion.  Jesus is your Son, who will break the nations with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces.  All Israel will kiss the Son and say, “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.” Thus all Israel shall be saved.

Lord, please save all of Israel’s enemies and turn them into faithful friends, so they may be eternally blessed.

Isaiah 60 declares that Jerusalem shall arise and shine, for her light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon her.  Sons of strangers are building up her walls and their kings are ministering to her.  God is making Jerusalem an eternal excellency. We call her walls Salvation and her gates Praise.  The Lord is unto her an everlasting light and her God is her glory.

O watchmen who have been set upon her walls, never hold your peace day or night.  Make mention of the Lord, keep not silence and give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

Intercession for the Peace of Jerusalem and the protection of Israel must be a priority in our lives.  And let us declare and decree as we do so, that the Lord will also cause a prospering in the lives of His faithful children who pray for and love Jerusalem!  Scripture promises those who bless Israel will themselves be blessed. (Genesis 12:3)

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