“Shut the Door!!” Probably all of us remember multiple times when we were told as youngsters to “shut the door“. If you are a parent, I’m sure you also have hollered “shut the door” as your children were running in and out of the house. Well, Friend, in the near future there will be a final call for another door to be shut. This time, it will be God Himself who commands “Shut the Door!”
Most of you reading this already realize that we are in the end times. Pastor Jim Bakker has a mandate from God to sound the trumpet loud and clear with the message of Revelation. The call goes forth to prepare, prepare, prepare! Pastor Jim emphasizes that we must be right with God, listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit, be watchmen on the wall and get ready.
Remember Noah? He heard from God and was directed to build an Ark to save his family. The Lord instructed Noah to “shut the door” of the Ark before the flood waters came. God is providing an Ark of safety for His people today, just as He did for Noah. A flood of challenging events, foretold in Revelation, is heading our way. Soon there will be another “SHUT THE DOOR” command coming from Heaven!! God in His mercy warned Noah’s generation. Once again, the Lord is allowing a warning period before the Ark of grace slams shut. We are right now in that season of mercy for Earth’s inhabitants.
Are you listening and heeding the trumpet sound through God’s ministers who are calling us to be alert and pray? Are you ready? Have you prepared? Are you close to the Lord so you can endure the hardships coming??? Have you stored food, water and other necessities in order to survive? And, MOST IMPORTANLY, are you prepared spiritually to endure this time of testing?
I pray these questions don’t overwhelm you, but rather encourage you to press into God. It’s important for all of us to participate with the Holy Spirit and obey His instructions. The smallest effort is significant in God’s eyes, when done in obedience. God can miraculously supply even when it looks like there are no resources. (Philippians 4:19) Trust in God and exercise your faith.
There are doors we individually must shut before the final “SHUT THE DOOR” is uttered. It’s time to shut the door to deception, laziness, apathy, and slam hard the door to temptation! Shake off the weights that so easily beset you and shut the doors of distraction. In turn, open the door of your heart to seek God more and study His Word. Reach out to others with the Good News of Jesus’ love and win souls. (Proverbs 11:30 …he that winneth souls is wise.)
Provision and safety is found in God, dwelling in the secret place of the Most High, and being joined with like-minded believers. When the Lord shuts the door of time allowed for this world’s system, you will be safe inside His Ark because you have been obedient. Peace can be found in God’s promises of protection and provision. Read Psalms 91 often and apply it to your daily life.
No one knows exactly when the Lord will say “Shut the Door”! We do know, however, that our Heavenly Father doesn’t want any to perish. (II Peter 3:9) He loves us so dearly. (John 3:16) If you’re not sure you are in God’s Ark (His Kingdom) and covered by His blood, then now is your moment! Humble yourself, ask God’s forgiveness for your sins, accept Jesus as your Savior and enter into the Ark of God. I’ll look for you inside the Ark!