Spirit Words

Recently during my time with the Lord these words came from the Spirit of God. I want to share them with you because I believe they are for all of the Body of Christ.

Dear Ones,

The times are short. Days are coming when you will not be able to carry the written Word with you. Ask me and I will give you the grace and ability to memorize portions of my Word, to hide it in your heart. I will plant it there and it will grow like a mighty tree. You will pick its fruit and offer it to others. Many will come and sit under the shadow and protection of the Tree of the Living Word, and find truth, life, sustenance and peace. There is no substitute for the Word. Good books are good books, but my Words are Spirit and Life.

My Word shakes evil, lies and dross out of the foundations of the hearts of men and women. In Psalm 29:8 it is written, “My Word shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.” Kadesh means sanctuary. Unbelievers hide themselves from truth in this deep place of their soul, but when I shake their lives, the sanctuary of deception is destroyed.

In Isaiah 28:17 it is written, “The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies.” Hail is a picture of what is coming upon all the earth, being beaten repeatedly, pommeled and shaken by grief, loss, pain and destruction. All the false foundations that they put their trust in, the refuge of lies, will be gone and they will become receptive to the hope found in the living Word. The Word will rush forward from the Throne of God, flooding the nations with its light and mercy. Many unbelievers will be swept into the Kingdom of Heaven riding on its waves of grace and truth.

The Word will spring forth in a fresh way in this season, for you are coming under a new mandate of the Restoration of All Things. The Word will open like the petals of a flower to the sun. The Word you have read before will hardly resemble the Word as you will receive it. You will say, “Oh, now I really understand that passage!” You will simply touch it with your spirit and it will spring open to you as a door to Heaven, a door standing open in the Heavens.

Begin now to savor and feed on my Words, to store them up in your heart and be refreshed by them.

Jeremiah 15:16 — “Your Words were found and I did eat them; and they word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of Hosts.”

6 thoughts on “Spirit Words

  1. May 1st

    Words Create…..We must discipline our lips so that our words will be in harmony
    with God. Our WORDS are heard in Heaven even if it is in our thoughts.

    God created with words….and satan will be destroyed with words.

  2. I have a question re the Seychelle water bottle, the new one. When I bought the Seychelle water pitcher, it was advertised as raising the pH in the water from it. I drink from that pitcher most the time. This new bottle that just came out, I am wondering if the pitcher and the new bottle do the same work. I emailed Seychelle directly and did not get the courtesy of a reply. This is not the first time they have failed to reply to my questions. Therefore, I am asking you to please find out about the comparison of the pitcher vs the new water bottle. I have purchased many of the older water bottles also.
    Thank you & God Bless,

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