In Part 1, we learned that Jesus is the Door to salvation, the Door to the Father in Heaven. We also learned about Holy Spirit being the Watchman. He is the One who opens the door for Jesus to do what He wants to do on earth. He opens the doors to the hearts of people and as we yield to His guidance, He will use us. Let’s continue with our study on Spiritual Doors.
Another door the Holy Spirit opens is the door of revelation. When that door opens, God’s people see things spiritually that they were blind to before. They understand truths that had previously escaped their grasp. That is what happened to the apostle John when the Lord revealed to him the future events of the last days.
Describing this experience in the book of Revelation, the Apostle John says, “After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice which I had heard addressing me like (the calling of) a war trumpet said, Come up here, and I will show you what must take place in the future” (Revelation 4:1 Amp)
Years ago, Brother Kenneth Hagin prophesied that a time would come when doors of revelation would be opened to the Church in greater measure. He said that when believers enter those realms of revelation, they will be strong and they will do exploits. Revelation enables us to operate with greater authority and boldness! It empowers us with the wisdom and confidence we need to finish the work God has called us to do.
For example, look at what happened to Peter in Acts 10 when he was praying on the rooftop. God opened a door of revelation to him. God put Peter in a trance and through a vision, taught him that God was no respecter of persons. He showed Peter that He could cleanse and sanctify a Gentile just as easily as He could cleanse and sanctify a Jew. If the Holy Spirit had not opened that door of revelation to Peter, he never would have been bold enough to go to Cornelius’ house to preach the Gospel. He would have been afraid to do it! But, because of the revelation he received, Peter had the courage to go and boldly speak to the large group of Gentiles who had assembled there and taught the Word. I believe God has revelation knowledge for each of us so we can fulfill our destiny.
“You yourselves are aware how it is not lawful or permissible for a Jew to keep company with or to visit or (even) to come near or to speak first to anyone of another nationality, but God has shown and taught me by words that I should not call any human being common or unhallowed or (ceremonially) clean. Therefore when I was sent for, I came without hesitation or objection or misgivings… (verses 28 – 29 Amp)”.
It’s clear that Peter was called of God to preach the Gospel to those people–that was a part of his divine destiny. The much-needed door of revelation given by the Holy Spirit enabled him to do it. The same is true for the rest of us whether we are believers, full-time ministers, government leaders, etc. All of us need doors of revelation to open that will help us fulfill God’s call on our lives.
We all need our spiritual eyes to be opened to see and understand things we haven’t grasped. Let’s consistently pray for those doors to open and help bring forth that for which God is calling us to do.
The Holy Spirit also opens doors through the prayers of God’s people. The door of utterance allows ministers of the Gospel to fully and freely declare the Word of God. Some believers think that if a minister is called of God and if he is properly prepared, he can just preach up a storm anytime he wants to. But that’s not true. It takes help from the Holy Spirit to preach effectively. The Apostle Paul understood this. That’s why He wrote to the churches and said things like:
“Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all (manner of) prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people). And (pray) also for me, that (freedom of) utterance may be given me, that I may open my mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news (Ephesians 6: 18-19 Amp)”.
The word “boldly” in the above scripture means to be courageous and without fear. It’s no wonder that Paul asked for prayer again when he wrote Colossians and said: “Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer (life), being (both) alert and intent in (your praying) with thanksgiving. And at the same time pray for us also, that God may open a door to us for the Word (the Gospel), to proclaim the mystery concerning Christ (the Messiah) on account of which I am in prison: that I may proclaim it fully and make it clear (speak boldly and unfold that mystery), as is my duty (Colossians 4:2-4 Amp).”
These verses make it clear, that the apostle Paul needed a door of utterance to preach effectively. The same is true for you and me! Don’t just sit back and allow things to happen.
It’s time to rise up and take your place in prayer! Seek the Lord fervently and delve into the realm of the Spirit to help bring forth that which God is calling you to do. It’s time for God’s people to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the process of opening doors.
Be willing to be used of God in prayer. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of your unsaved loved ones and people you encounter to the Gospel message. Seek more revelation and understanding from the Lord. Speak God’s Word and God’s will into the world and into your life through the door of bold and courageous utterance!! As you partner with the Holy Spirit and experience these spiritual doors being opened, your life will never be the same!!
We’re here for you. Call (417)779-4673 (Morningside Prayer Center) when you need prayer.