The Still Small Voice Within! (Pt. 1)

God can do anything!  You know God can do far more than you could ever imagine, guess or request in your wildest dreams!  God does it not by pushing us around, but by working within us.  His Spirit works deeply and gently in us and speaks through that still small voice within.

One Fall day I was working outside raking leaves.  It was the time of the year when snakes come out.  You can’t see them with all the leaves on the ground.  My three sons were with me.  One was barefoot and the other wore boots.  My one son wearing boots wanted to play in the back of the yard, but, I had not raked that area yet.

I said, “Okay, but be careful.”  Well, it wasn’t long before he came back screaming that a snake had bit him!

I checked him over from head to toe.  On the toe of his boots there were marks where the snake had tried to bite him.  I made sure the snake bite had not penetrated his boot.  I went and got the neighbor and he killed the snake.  It was a large copperhead.   My neighbor said it was the biggest copperhead he had ever seen.   Then I went inside and called my Mother to tell her.  She had just returned from praying in the church where my Father had preached years before.

Mom said she had a dream the night before that her son’s kids were in St. Louis and in trouble. She left to go tell him so they both could pray.  She felt it was a warning from God.  At the same time my brother was passing the church when he felt the need to go in and pray. When my mother arrived at the church she saw that her son was already there so she went in to pray with him.

Now, remember, Mother just came in the house when I called her.  It certainly was a warning from God. That still small voice had warned her of impending danger.  Their prayers stopped the enemy’s plot.  Praise God my Mother knew to pray because something was wrong.  Although we never found out what danger was averted for my brother’s kids, I do believe that while they were praying that God included my son’s situation and the power of prayer saved his life.  I believe if they hadn’t prayed my son could have died that day.

Well that really scared me.  But, praise the Lord that He spared my son by having others pray for my son’s protection through the nudging of that still small voice within.  The Lord is so merciful.  At the time this snake incident occurred I certainly wasn’t where I should have been with Jesus.  God didn’t have to spare us heartache but He did it anyway.  He didn’t have to do it.  God had given my mother a dream to alert her to pray and warn her.  I know that God cares about His children enough to warn them.

Another time when God spoke to me I was mowing the grass and there was a large limb that had broken off the tree and was on the ground. I decided that after I finished mowing I would trim the grass and then pick the limb up.  As I went to pick the limb up, the Lord instantly spoke to me to nudge the limb with the weed eater.  When I did there was a large copperhead!  If I had not listened and obeyed God I would have been bitten.

Just think about it!  The God of the Universe takes the time to warn his people!  We are His children and He loves us.

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

One thought on “The Still Small Voice Within! (Pt. 1)

  1. That is so true, some of the most important decisions and changing of plans are made by the voice that we learn to know as God’s voice to us. Our prayer should always be that we learn to hear that voice in the noisiest place we know and also in the quietest place we know. So that ever word the Holy Spirit speaks to us is heard and obeyed . We will probably never know the times that as we listen to His voice and we acted on them changed our lives or saved others until we have reach Heaven.

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