Are you acquainted with our “Suddenly God”? Throughout the Bible our Lord intervened suddenly in the middle of horrific circumstances as well as in daily life. God has a never-ending supply of suddenly breakthroughs for all His children. God knows we certainly need them! Do you need wisdom, healing, strength, insight or provision? Whatever your request, God has the answer and He is willing, able and ready to help. He knows what you need and He is a right now God.
In many biblical examples the “suddenlies” were preceded by a godly person or group of people seeking the Lord, praying and trusting the Lord from the time of prayer until the answer manifested. Even though there is a waiting period for the answer, when it does come it often appears SUDDENLY. Let’s examine some of the “suddenlies” in the Bible.
Acts 2:2-3 “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one accord in one place, And SUDDENLY there came from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them.” — WOW!
In Acts 22:6, Saul was on his way to Damascus when he experienced a SUDDENLY!! “And it came to pass, that, as I made my way to Damascus about noon, SUDDENLY there shone from heaven a great light round about me.” Now here was a man who persecuted true believers and even watched and held the cloak of Stephen (the church’s first martyr) while he was being stoned to death. Saul, who later became Paul, experienced a SUDDENLY with the Lord Jesus as he was on a journey, having an ordinary day. What a difference a SUDDENLY encounter with God makes!!
Years later after Saul’s conversion and his name was changed to Paul, he and Silas were imprisoned. Scripture shows us that instead of being depressed and disappointed with God the following occurred: “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” What happened next? (Acts 16:25) “And SUDDENLY, there was a great earthquake and the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bands were loosed.” Talk about a SUDDENLY!! Notice the suddenly happened as a result of praying and singing praises to God while still in prison!
What prison in your life do you need to pray and praise your way out of? Our God is the same One Paul and Silas called upon, so just as in Paul’s day, the Lord has a suddenly breakthrough for you. Perhaps it will happen on just a regular ole’ ho hum day when you, too, will experience a Suddenly God moment.
Matthew 6:33–“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you.” Romans 8:32–“…how shall he not with him freely give us all things.” Begin now to pray and praise God no matter where you are in life. Believe God when He says to call upon Him and He will answer. (Psalms 91:15) Never give up! Your suddenly God breakthroughs are on the way if you faint not and continue to pray and praise our wonderful Lord! God bless you, Friend!!
In many ways I have experienced the suddenly moments from the Lord God Eternal in my life. God’s saving power is real. The same God who saved the children of Israel on the edge of the red sea, is still on His throne of Grace. May the Lord be praised.
I’m really inspired by the word and I’m trusting in God through prayer and fasting for a sudden change.Amen
My Wife have been trusting The Lord for all of our Married Lives(36yrs) and as children were taught the love of a Holy God whom is complete in Jesus. We are now and have been awaiting our “Suddenly” moment when The Lord will change the circumstances of our lives we have been battling and going through for over 7 or so years. Yet we will Trust HIM through it all till our change comes. These testimonies are the assurance that HE will send our “Suddenly” moment. And when It Comes, we Will testify to the world that Our LORD JESUS is the One and True Living GOD. Amen!!!!! Jimmy
God has been very good to me and my family,we have been through are ups and downs, but He always brings us to are suddenly moments were He suddenly brings us out of are situations with his mighty
hand, He is my awesome God He has moved mountains out of my way, I praise His Holy Name.
Thank you for this word I’m so blessed bc it came right on time when I needed the most
Thank for in depth of the word May God bless you