In a battle, position is crucial. It’s a well-known military fact that the forces that occupy the highest ground during a military confrontation have the greatest advantage. An army with fewer resources than their enemy can prevail over them if they position themselves and maintain the highest battle stations.
In Arthur Matthew’s book on prayer, he tells how Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) would be given the command to “Scramble!” during World War II when they were under enemy attack. When that order reached the RAF pilots, it meant they were to move quickly to win for themselves a “position” of advantage “above” the attacking places. For them to win the battle, they knew they must first gain a place of altitude above them. Then from that place, victory was virtually guaranteed!
Likening this to our position in prayer, Arthur Matthews reminds us that as believers we have already been raised-up to the highest place of all. We have been raised up together with Jesus and seated with Him at God’s right hand;
Ephesians 1:21– “Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come.” (Amplified)
Admonishing us to take that place by faith, Mr. Matthews says:
“From only one position is it safe to approach and resist satan, and that is from this position in Christ in the highest heavenlies. From this position satan and his hosts are completely vulnerable.”
Just think and chew on that! When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and set him in the seat of authority “FAR ABOVE ALL,” He made us co-sharers with Him in every stage of the mighty finished work. Then He seated us with Him!!!
So for us altitude (our position in Christ) is a vital factor that determines our victory. Therefore, it’s understandable that satan’s craft is dedicated to luring us away from this place of advantage and causing us to forget his vulnerability. The enemy wants us to stay in a victim mentality, not realizing who we are in Christ and what God says about our position of authority.
Being powerful in the Lord is directly connected to understanding your “far above all” position in the spirit realm, regardless of your circumstances. Never before has it been more important for you to spend time meditating on the right-standing you have with God through the blood of Jesus.
Ephesians 2:5-6–…(and He) hath quickened us together with Christ…and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”
Ephesians 6:17-18– “…take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…” (KJV)
Once you have taken your place of authority in Jesus, you are now positioned to use the weapons of your warfare to undo the works of the devil. Focus on the Word of God and notice what Ephesians 6:17 says; “taking the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” The instructions found in the Word will tell you how to move things in the spirit.
As a Christian, here is your part—to know and practice using the Word of God so you are prepared when challenging situations come into your life. The Word contains instructions and will guide you through the steps to achieve your breakthroughs-–how to break strongholds and how to “loose or bind” things.
The weapons that have been given to you to obtain victory in your spiritual battles are:
The Name of Jesus
The Blood of Jesus
The Word of God!!
These weapons are the triumphant trio for a victorious journey through life.