**Please read Part 1 of this teaching which lays the Biblical foundation for understanding your position in prayer.
Only the Word of God teaches you how to pray and defeat the devil. When you open your Bible and begin to study, you will soon discover the “how’s” and “why’s” of prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what God has said about similar situations you may be experiencing. Let Him illuminate your heart and your mind and show you His perspective. Let Him fill your heart (spirit) with ammunition from Heaven that will effectively bring defeat to God’s enemies.
Your prayers will be ineffective and not prevail if you don’t seek God’s wisdom. All you’ll be able to do is wring your hands and cry, “Oh God, stop the terrorist! Save us, help us!” This is not to imply that such prayers don’t make a difference, but they certainly don’t pack the spiritual power that’s needed for the days in which you are living.
As you spend time studying the Bible, you’ll find you have a powerful case to set before the Lord. Set aside time to read and pray over scriptures like Psalm 83 and Matthew 24:14. As you step over into the spirit realm, you will be guided by God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit will quicken those scriptures in your hearts (your spirit), and you’ll wield them with the very power and authority of God Himself! God’s Word is alive and powerful!
As the Spirit leads, you can speak boldly the very words and commands of God. You may find yourself saying something like this;
“Devil, I oppose you in the Name of Jesus! You’ve come against the people of God— Jews and Christians alike—and I say you are put to shame! I say your forces are confounded and confused! You are like the chaff in the wind! Your attempt to capture the nations and shut out the Gospel will come to nothing because Jesus said this Gospel will be preached to ALL the nations. I stand on those Words, and I say the Words of Jesus will come to pass! I resist your every attempt to terrify and destroy our nation. The Bible says that if I resist you, you must flee!”
When you move over into the realm of the spirit and start praying prayers like that, you’ll sense the difference. You’ll know you’re getting something done–but don’t stop there! You have to persevere. Keep alert spiritually and pray often. Don’t quit until the battle is won! Why? Because the devil is persistent! Unlike some Christians, satan doesn’t give up easily.
So, as the Holy Spirit prompts you, use the Word against the enemy.
Ephesians 6:13-14 says, “…withstand (the devil) in the evil day, and having done all, to stand; stand therefore…” (KJV)
An analogy of what happens spiritually as you persist in prayer is found in Exodus 17. The Israelites were under attack by the Amalekites. During that battle, Moses climbed to a hilltop and lifted the rod of authority. This rod represented God’s covenant promise to Israel of victory over their foes.
What’s most interesting is Moses didn’t just raise the rod once then lower it, turn his back on the battle, and go back to his tent. He found that when he raised the rod, Israel prevailed but when he lowered it, the Amalekites prevailed. As Moses grew weary continually holding up the rod, Aaron and Hur came alongside and assisted him. Moses was then able to hold up his hands, keeping the rod raised against his foes until the sun went down and the battle was won!
This is the victory of prayer. It takes place above the battle, opposing the enemy with the Word of the Lord and using your God-given authority. Refuse to quit until that Word is an accomplished fact in the earth!
May the Lord continually strengthen you as you stand your ground in prayer until every battle is won!
Take Your Position In Prayer! (Part 1)