Recently I was struggling and praying for a subject to write about, but my mind was blank! I couldn’t come up with a single topic. I wanted to be positively sure that what I shared would be from God because we are living in very critical times.
Well, while getting ready for work one morning I heard in my spirit, the words “THREE LITTLE PIGS”! I thought, “Oh’ my goodness, everyone will think I have absolutely lost my mind.” I asked, “God did I hear you right? I haven’t thought about the Three Little Pigs’ story for many years.”
Then it hit me–the three pigs went out to face the world on their own and build a home for themselves. Well, you know the story, two of them built with sticks and straw, but one built with bricks. Two of the pigs didn’t build on a firm foundation. However, there was one pig that was smart enough to build his house with bricks so it kept standing.
Most of us have faced the same thing early in our lives. At some point, we left the safety of our homes and went out on our own. How much training did we have? Did we have a firm foundation to stand on?
And, how are we building our homes today? We must remember that the way we live our lives will be an example for them to follow. What are we teaching our children? Are we living our lives in front of them that display Christian values?
Have the children seen us reading the Bible?
Do our loved ones know what we stand for?
Do we stand for God or for the world?
Are we quick, or slow to anger?
Does the family go to church together? Or, do the kids get dropped off – or perhaps not go at all?!
Is there cursing in front of the children?
Are programs being watched on T.V. that aren’t pleasing to God?
Have our family members heard us pray?
In most cases, our children will say and be what they see in us. If we don’t teach our children Godly principles to live by, then when they step out into the world there will be traps set by the big bad wolf to capture them. Ungodly influences will be glad to entice them into a life style that will send them straight to HELL.
The Lord says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
I was recently talking with my granddaughter Alyssa and she was sharing with me things she sees at school. So much of what she mentioned was shocking and disgusting. It made my heart ache to know that there are precious children out there that are being exposed to blatant evil and many are accepting it as normal. So many of our children in this generation are lost and without any Godly standards in their lives.
What standards will you choose to live by? Everyone will at some point in their lives choose the foundation upon which they will build their spiritual house. Will you build your house upon the shifting sand of the world’s view? Or, will you build your house on the solid Rock – Jesus Christ and the Word of God?
A life built on a firm foundation will not be shaken when tried and tested. Jesus instructed us in Matthew 7:24-27 the right pattern to follow, “And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell. “
Why did this house crumble? It fell because it was built upon a sandy foundation. Which foundation you choose to build upon is a matter of choice.
Jesus Christ is our Rock! He is the firm foundation that we can build our lives upon. As we obey Jesus and everything He says in His Word, then we have the assurance that no matter what flood beats upon us–no matter how fierce the storms of this life may get–we will never fall, we will never be moved!
Determine NOW to build your life on a sure foundation!!
Most of you know that in the story of the Three Little Pigs there was a big bad wolf. Next week we will learn how to defeat him and walk in the authority Christ has given us as His followers. This is all a part of our firm foundation that is available in Christ.
In light of what is going on with the Boy Scouts, it shows that it is even more important for parents to instill godly morals in their children. So many Christians are loosening their morals and it is leaving a wrong statement to the youth of today. I say to parents all over, STOP IT! Always do the right thing, even if it feels wrong – right always wins in the end. I like the three little pigs concept.
It’s really sad that so few realize how important a solid foundation is for the success and protection of our loved ones! L-rd help us to get the word out!!!!
Thank God it is never too late !
Your so right…..Our children need a firm foundation……There is so much divorce now days and the children are being torn apart and pulled in every dirction…It is so sad… the devil is here to steal, kill and destroy and we as Christians must turn from the worldy ways and follow after Jesus and He will carry us through…This is a hurting world and we who are called by His name must humble ourselves and PRAY, so that He will heal our land……Thank you for your kind words of wisdom…..The Three Little Pigs has much wisdom in it…..Be blessed, and may the Favor of God go before you all your life and His Grace,love and mercy…..
Under His Wings,
Diane Gilbert