When We Obey the Lord

Carol Gonterman

A lady called the prayer line last night.  She had an excitement in her voice as she started talking; “My name is Janelle, I’m new to the Pomona-Ottawa area in Missouri, about 800 people in all.  Earlier today I was praying and asking God for a friend.  I know no one in this area.”

“After I prayed,” she continued, “I then picked up my coffee and walked out on my porch, looking out over the field across the road.  In the distance I saw a figure coming towards me.  The closer the figure came I could see it was a woman and a loud voice came from the field.”  “Hi, my name is Suzanne.”   “Mine is Janelle. Come in, would you like some coffee?”

Well, Janelle went on to explain that she and Suzanne sat and talked and talked.  Janelle knew it would be just a matter of time before they would be great friends.  But, first things first.  Suzanne needed to be saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues.  So, Janelle led her to the Lord.  Fire from Heaven came down and filled the kitchen.  It was a glorious time!  Janelle could not believe how quickly the Lord moved and answered her prayers.

I asked Janelle, “Why did you call this Prayer Center?”  She replied, laughing, “I needed someone who would enjoy the miracle of salvation with me and be happy and filled with joy over how God had answered my prayers so quickly!  So, thank you so much.”

“You are welcome,” I replied.  “My pleasure, please keep in touch.  God has great plans for you!  Because of your obedience, He can trust you!  God bless you Janelle.”  “God bless you too,” Janelle responded.”

This little phone call could be any one of us.  We sometimes forget how encouraging the callers, like Janelle, can be.  What a love she has for her Savior!  He is so awesome!  God knew that I needed that phone call just when I needed it the most.

Recently many of the prayer calls have been full of fear, chaos, divorce and death, just to name a few.  People just don’t know what’s going to happen down the road…

But My God!

He is faithful!

He loves us!

He has a plan for us!

He won’t forsake us!

He will always lead the WAY!

He will always be your dearest friend!

He will always give you what is good!

He will always be totally yours!

“I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.”  John 10:10

Your obedience to God with something as simple as making a phone call can be used to encourage someone else.    My prayer for you is “May all that God is and all that He gives, be yours today and always!”

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