The weekly devotions on this page are written by our staff, volunteers and those involved in intercessory prayer ministry. We are grateful for their contribution and heart after God.
A new devotion will be posted every Monday.
God’s Timing
I am starting with a special scripture from Isaiah 40:31 which says, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
God works His timing for those He loves and those who love Him; so at times He appears to be silent. However, God promises to answer our prayers. Continue reading
Love is the Key (Pt. 2)

Let’s continue with our search for true love.
In Matthew 19:18-19, we are instructed to “love your neighbor as yourself.” (NIV)
Please note that in God’s Kingdom you are to have a proper love and respect for God’s creation (yourself) because you are made in His image. God so loved the world… (John 3:16) – Yes, He loved that world even in their sin and iniquity so much that HE GAVE…” The God-kind of love has to give. Our Heavenly Father loved so intensely that He had to give His very best, His only Son. As the Lord’s love flows through us and out to others we will be giving our best. And yes, sometimes, it will be sacrificially. Continue reading
Love is the Key (Pt. 1)

“Just love.” “All we need is love.” How often we have heard these phrases, but, how do we do this? Is it natural human love that accomplishes this, or is it God’s love? How do you get that love? How do you truly display God’s love?
I hope that everyone who reads this has experienced true love, the love that comes only from our Lord. But, if not, let’s seek together how to obtain this love.
Scripture tells us that “God is love.” Continue reading
Fight the Good Fight of Faith

In my line of ministry, as well as pastoring, I minister in the Prayer Center on the telephone. I really enjoy this ministry outreach.
One thing I have observed is the amount of people who are in “spiritual warfare”.
Ephesians 6:12 – “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” KJV
We’re God’s Ambassadors

Recently as I was reading in the fifth chapter of 2nd Corinthians, I was deeply touched in my spirit. I have read this chapter many times, but this time I was impressed to go back through the chapter and make some notes.
Paul is speaking about our body and calling it our earthly tent. This is another way of saying that life is very temporal.
In James 4:14, we read: “For what is life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” NKJV