I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that I cannot remember a time that we have needed and appreciated your support any more than we do right at this moment! Lori and I want so much for you to be ready for anything and I know in my heart that something BIG is about to happen!
I am not the only one feeling this way! When Pastor John Hagee was here with us recently he said, “I think the message that God is sending to His children is that the King is coming. Get ready, get ready, get ready! The Son of God is about to appear in the clouds of Heaven and this world (as it is) is soon to be over.”
Both, Pastor Hagee and Pastor Mark Biltz are warning of major prophetic events surrounding the appearance of the ‘blood moons’ in conjunction with Israel’s Holy Feast Days. The signs in the heavens couldn’t be any more apparent, marking major prophetic events which will become clear as we wait on the Lord. The message right now is to get ready! My heart tells me that YOU also know something big is coming.
The situation in the Middle East with Israel is causing great concern. Israel is at the center of every conflict that is threatening to explode in that region, sending the entire world into chaos. The Bible makes it clear that how we deal with Israel is how God will deal with us (Genesis 12:3).
William Koening, author of the bestselling book Eye to Eye and Washington news correspondent, came to share his perspective on the consequences of dividing Israel’s land. William said, “Pressuring Israel into peace talks is going to have consequences. The greater the pressure on Israel, the greater the corresponding catastrophe.” With the unfortunate decisions being made recently in regard to Israel, we will not have to wait long to see the consequences.
Our friend John Shorey has been spending the week with us on our show passing on the revelations that he experienced during the last blood moon. What he said only adds to my urgency to do whatever I can to help others get ready. “When events start to unfold that makes many aware of the need to prepare at once, the prep food industry will be overwhelmed. The Bible teaches that events leading to the Lord’s return will catch many unaware. It’s sad that many of those who will be caught ill prepared will be Christians.”
We don’t know what is coming, as much as we know something big is coming! Whatever it is, all of our guests agreed that the major and most immediate crisis will be a food shortage. Experts say it will only take 3 days for food to disappear from the grocery store’s shelves in a major catastrophic event, so what you have in your cupboards won’t last long!
Thank you for continuing to support the daily television and internet operations of this ministry. You are a gift of God to this ministry and we cherish your friendship and support so very, very much.
Lori sends her love and so do I!