Benham Brothers Speak About Bold Faith Bringing Risk

Brothers David and Jason Benham, who lost their HGTV show when anti-Christianists launched a campaign against them for their Christian beliefs, told a Washington, D.C. conference that Christians can speak boldly if they’re willing to lose it all.

“Freedom isn’t the ability to do get what you want, it’s the willingness to let go of what you have,” Jason Benham said. “When you are willing to release that back to God, what God has so graciously given to you, and you give it back to Him, then you have been set free. And on the foundation of freedom, you can be as bold as a lion.”

The brothers own a real estate company and were filming episodes for their reality show in May when HGTV announced the cancellation.  The cancellation was attributed to anti-Christian activists that protested the brother’s traditional Christian views on issues such as abortion.

The brothers told the Christian Post that they don’t regret anything that has happened including the cancellation of the TV show because it allowed them to proclaim Christ to a wide audience in national media that reported on the cancellation.

The talk at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference came as the brothers were given an award for their public stand for faith and Jesus.

David Benham told the Christian Post that unless Christians speak up and assert their rights in the public arena, more incidents like what happened to them with HGTV will take place in America.