Seattle Church Converting Strip Club To Church

A Seattle strip club that was once a center for prostitution and routinely the subject of FBI stings is being born again.

Bethany Community Church bought Sugars, the infamous strip club, and is turning it into their central offices and a coffee shop.

“When we first entered the building it had a very dark feeling; smoke filled carpets, black painted ceilings and walls, and mirrors everywhere,” associate pastor Scott Sund told The Christian Post. “Before we started demolition, we met on Easter weekend and prayed and sang in the space to usher in the new story God was going to write through this place. It’s God’s story, we just get to play a small part.”

The church had been initially looking for a permanent location for services because they meet in a gym for weekly services.  Then the children’s director, who serves children in the neighborhood of the club, approached the leadership about buying the building.

The church’s volunteers have stripped the inside of the club by getting rid of the carpets and wall mirrors that defined the club.  The church hopes to have their community center open in the fall.


When Jason Crabb was with us recently, he sang a song that is so “me” that it was like someone reached right down in my soul and pulled out the very words! That’s the way it is with spiritual songs and songwriters and singers who are led of the Lord. A spiritual song will always speak to the deepest part of you. It’s like the scripture, “as deep calls to deep” (Psalm 42:7). Continue reading