Cities Suspend Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones

The Supreme Court’s ruling that a Massachusetts law declaring a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics was unconstitutional is having reach far beyond the Bay State.

A number of cities around the country are now halting enforcement of buffer zone laws because they do not believe the laws will stand up to the new standard set by the Court.

Burlington, Vermont, which has a similar 35-foot buffer zone law on the books, is suspending enforcement of the law.  The city’s attorney said that she will work with the city council to eliminate the prohibition from the law while still protecting the entrances and exits of the clinics.

Other cities suspending buffer zone laws include Portland, Oregon and Madison, Wisconsin.

“The government cannot gag speech just because it doesn’t reflect the government’s views or the views of abortionists,” Alliance Defending Freedom’s Matt Bowman stated. “The Supreme Court has now made it even more clear that public streets and sidewalks are places where free speech is highly protected.”