China Plans Global Network of Surveillance Satellites

Chinese officials have confirmed they are looking at a proposal to create a network of satellites that would allow them to spy on any part of the planet.

The system is reportedly gaining a boost because of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight that has eluded any search efforts.  Several members of the Chinese leadership say a Chinese operated worldwide surveillance network would have found the aircraft.

“If we had a global monitoring network today, we wouldn’t be searching in the dark,” a source told Australia’s News Limited.  “We would have a much greater chance to find the plane and trace it to its final position.”

The current Chinese satellite system reportedly only allows the country to spy on their nation and surrounding countries.  However, the proposed system would be so detailed and significantly upgraded in technology to current systems that it would place China ahead of the United States in global surveillance.

If the government goes ahead with funding the plan, the network could be in place and operational within two years.

Russia Gains China’s Support on Ukraine

Russian leaders told foreign press Monday that Chinese leaders are largely in agreement with the Russian invasion of part of Ukraine.

Russian troops have now surrounded military bases in Crimea and are preventing Ukrainian soldiers from being able to move anywhere within that area as Russian forces reinforce their positions.

Russian forces have also taken control of a port in the city of Kerch on the eastern edge of Crimea.  The Crimean peninsula has a large Russian speaking population and the Russian leadership says their forces are there to protect those people.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague told Sky News that we’re in the midst of the most serious crisis that Europe has faced in the 21st century.  The news of the invasion and the possibility of impending war have created a major impact on world markets, with Russia’s stock market down 10 percent.

The seven members of the G8 with Russia have called on Russia to respect the sovereignty of the Ukraine and called on them to remove themselves from Ukrainian territory.

New Bird Flu Strain Has Pandemic Possibilities

Chinese scientists have taken the very rare step of making a public announcement concerning a new strain of bird flu.

The Chinese government usually tries to keep news about a new bird flu strain from being released into the public until it is a major health issue.  However, a new strain of the virus called H10N8 apparently has shaken health officials to the level they are acting quickly to warn the public.

A 73-year-old woman from Nanchang City in southeast China died after being the first person found with the virus and a second person is confirmed to be infected with the virus.  The scientists say the quick transmission makes it a more likely possibility the virus, which they believe transferred from wild birds to chickens, has mutated into a form that can be easily transmitted from birds to humans.

The report of the woman’s death published in the Lancet medical journal said “the pandemic potential of this novel virus should not be underestimated.”

Dr. John McCauley of the World Health Organization said that H10N8 does not cause serious disease in poultry and thus it is difficult to detect.  While they don’t believe the virus would transmit well between humans, Dr. McCauley admitted there was not enough information to make a definitive claim.

Bird Flu Claims Another Life In Hong Kong

The H7N9 bird flu has claimed another victim in Hong Kong.

The death marks the third death in the city since the arrival of the virus from China.  The male victim, who has recently visited the Chinese city of Shenzhen, was admitted to the hospital less than 24 hours before he died.

The World Health Organization has been quietly using a new term when talking about transmission of the virus between humans.  Studies of cases in China show that it is possible to transfer the virus between people so the term “sustained human-to-human transmission” is being used meaning that they don’t see infections happening on a mass scale.

The changes have happened since the virus was spotted in both Taiwan and Hong Kong, raising fears the virus is making its way out of China toward emerging nations that are not ready to handle the deadly virus.

The H7N9 virus was discovered last week at a Hong Kong market resulting in the slaughter of 20,000 birds.

China Has Space Warfare Ability

China has developed the ability for space-based warfare including satellite targeting missiles and other weapons that can destroy the U.S. communication net.

Space warfare experts say that the United States’ dependence on satellites for communications among military units is a weakness that is being targeted by the Chinese in the event of future military conflict.

“The current and evolving counterspace threat posed by China to U.S. military operations in the Asia Pacific theater and outside is extremely serious,” Ashley Tellis, former State Department and National Security Council strategic specialist, told Congress.

The experts believe that in the short term China will focus on producing missiles capable of destroying U.S. satellites in space.   They testified that most current models used by the military for potential conflicts assume that their satellite based communication system would not be disrupted.

Robert Butterworth, former chief of strategic planning for Air Force Space Command, said that while war with China is not an imminent threat, Congress needs to remember that China won’t be dissuaded in their efforts by the world reminding them about current norms against weaponizing space.

Chinese Pollution Impacting U.S. West Coast

A new scientific report says that the toxic pollutants causing massive levels of smog in China has the ability to cross the Pacific Ocean and create air quality problems for the western United States.

The study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences is the first time scientists have been able to quantify the amount of Chinese pollution making its way across the ocean.  The study said that anywhere from 12% to 24% of the daily sulfate concentrations around Los Angeles is directly attributed to Chinese pollution related to exports.

The researchers say one of the biggest hazards is “black carbon.”  Unlike other forms of air pollution, black carbon is not removed from the air by rain.  The carbon has been found in valleys and holes in California.  Black carbon is connected to asthma as well as cancer, emphysema and heart & lung disease.

Smog in China has reached levels that in parts of Beijing officials had to turn electronic billboards into replicas of the sun so that residents would know when dawn and sunset were happening around them.

China Develops New Hypersonic Aircraft

China’s Defense Ministry has confirmed long rumored development of a new hypersonic aircraft that could attack thousands of miles from its launch point.

The hypersonic glide vehicle would be launched using an intercontinental ballistic missile and could travel at speeds of Mach 10.  The device would be very difficult to detect by warning systems because unlike the missiles the glider would not enter space.

Military affairs analysts told the Washington Free Beacon the weapon is part of weapons called an “assassin’s mace.”  Those weapons are designed to be used by a weaker military force to gain an advantage against a superior foe.

A Pentagon spokesman said that they were aware of the Chinese test.

The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and two subcommittee chairman called the test concerning and that it showed a fast technological leap by the Chinese military.

H7N9 Mutation Resists Drugs

A mutation discovered in a new strain of bird flu has rendered the virus resistant to treatment drugs without limiting its ability to spread.

Most seasonal flu strains often become less transmissible when developing drug resistance, but scientists discovered that the H7N9 bird flu does not lose any of its spreading potential even with drug resistance.

Researchers said they do not believe this will make H7N9 any more likely to develop into a pandemic, but do recommend that doctors should be careful in their use of anti-viral medicines and consider using other drugs instead of Tamiflu to treat H7N9 cases.

The H7N9 bird flu has infected at least 139 people so far in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and has killed 45 people.

New Bird Flu Strain Kills Chinese Woman

A strain of bird flu that was discovered in 1965 has infected a human being for the first time.

A 73-year-old Chinese woman died earlier this month of respiratory failure and a post-mortem examination showed she had contracted H10N8 bird flu.  The H10N8 strain was discovered in birds in 1965 but had never been found in a human being.

Doctors said the woman was admitted with severe pneumonia, high blood pressure, neuromuscular problems and a heart attack.  They had not suspected bird flu at the time of her admission.

Family members in contact with the woman have not shown symptoms of the virus. Officials say the woman had contact with animals at a live bird market four days before she fell ill.

Chinese health officials and the World Health Organization say they will be increasing their surveillance of hospitals to look for more potential H10N8 victims.

This is the second new bird flu virus to infect humans in China in 2013.  H7N9, which has killed 45 of the 137 people it has infected, was discovered in March 2013.

Chinese Hospital Opens Smog Clinic

Smog in southwest China has become so bad that a hospital has been forced to open a clinic focused solely on dealing with smog related illness.

No. 7 People’s Hospital in Chengdu City, provincial capital of Sichuan Province, has reported already dealing with 100 patients suffering from smog related respiratory conditions.

Hospital officials say that previously victims of smog related illness would have to be treated in multiple clinics such as ear-nose-throat and pneumology resulting in multiple doctor visits.  The new clinic will streamline treatment for patients and doctors.

Thick smog in many parts of China in the last few months have forced closures of schools, businesses and highways.  Some days were so bad that officials told residents not to allow their children outside in the air.

The Chinese government is reportedly examining whether liquid nitrogen shot into the air can be used as a way to lower smog in major cities.