CDC Study Shows Over 110 Million Americans Have STI

A new report by the Centers for Disease Control shows 13 times as many Americans contracted a sexually transmitted infection in 2008 than obtained a college bachelor’s degree.

The rate of new infections in 2008 was 19.7 million, bringing the nation’s total to 110,197,000 total infections. By contract, the number of Americans who obtained a bachelor’s degree that year was 1,524,092. In the 15-to-24 age range, the ratio of infections to degrees was 6 to 1. Continue reading

Scientists Discover How New Fatal Virus Infects Human Cells

As news broke of a 15th case and 9th fatality attributed to the recently discovered Novel Coronavirus (NCoV), scientists in Holland have discovered the way the virus infects human cells.

The discovery could provide the key to creating a vaccine against the virus.

The scientists discovered a cell surface protein that connects with the DPP4 receptor in the body. Cells containing the DPP4 receptor are located more in the lower respiratory tract than the upper tract which explains why the virus does not cause flu-like symptoms like other coronoviruses. Continue reading

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Spreading Throughout U.S.

The Centers for Disease Control is warning hospitals about a strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria that has killed up to half the patients that it infects.

Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) has developed a resistance to what doctors call “last resort antibiotics.” The resistance could result in patients suffering from an incurable infection. Continue reading

UK Finds New SARS-Like Virus Can Spread Between Humans

The new coronavirus found in the Middle East that is very similar to the SARS virus that killed 800 people in 2002 has been found to be spread from human to human.

Health officials in the UK made the announcement after a third British citizen was confirmed to be infected with the virus. The scientists say the infected man contracted the disease from a relative. Continue reading