Could this be the Beginning of a Complete World Collapse?

A Day of Chaos on Wall Street today!  As this is being written, the New York Stock Exchange had been closed for over 4 hours.  The Greek Government is scrambling to fix their financial disaster and headlines are screaming out that the real crisis in the financial news is that China is headed for a crash much like what happened to us in 1929. As I have watched the news today, riveted by what is happening all over the country, all I could do was sit and connect the dots. Could the world’s financial system be taking the first major step towards a complete collapse?

This morning, United Airlines had to suspend and cancel flights all over the country because of a “computer glitch”; The Wall Street Journal’s Website went down because of a “computer glitch”.   All of these computer glitches and I have a hard time NOT connecting them together. And if these incidents are related, then it had to be by something evil.

There is massive flooding all over the country and power outages occurring because of them. We are also suffering from drought and threats of disease that are wiping out some of our food supply.  The warning signs are continuing to flash brighter.

Last night I received a phone call from a recent prophetic guest and wonderful friend, John Kilpatrick.  He told me that, “The next 90 days will be more important than the last 54 years of your ministry all together!”  He went on to warn me, “Do not be distracted as the next months are crucial!  Your voice must be diligent and clear in the next 90 days!”

Time after time, our prophetic guests have told us all that we need to be preparing NOW!  It IS time to get ready for what is to come!  John Shorey, Rick Joyner, Joel Richardson, Carl Gallups and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn are among those that have just recently been warning the world of what is to come!  I cannot help but think of their words as this day unfolds.  We will see more of these days of uncertainty, we will see more chaos.

According to Joe Grano, Chairman and CEO of Centurion Holdings LLC and former chairman of Homeland Security Advisory Council: “The two places America is most vulnerable is our financial systems and our energy grid. And the biggest warning light is that our enemies not only can shut down our financial system but also our grid.”

I am committed to bringing you as much information that I can as the days unfold.  We are going to be working on this together!  On our next broadcast, we will be talking about these world shaking events and piecing them together on the show.  We will be discussing the many events that are coming together in this world and what we can begin expecting in the days to come. Today we began construction on our new Roku network “breaking news” facility. We are so eager to finish this new building so that we may bring you the cutting edge news as soon as it is breaking.

The Lord is speaking to all of us in so many ways.  We want to hear from you if you feel He is speaking to you!  Please send us information that you find and news that you feel is important during these prophetic days.  We want to hear from you!  Please email us at

God Bless you.


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Greece Makes New Proposal to Creditors

Greece has submitted an 11th hour proposal for debt restructuring that includes a two-year aid proposal.

The statement came hours before Greece’s default on a loan to the International Monetary Fund.  The proposal would require another bailout for Greece from the Eurozone’s European Stability Mechanism (ESM), a $560 million dollar rescue fund.

Athens has until 5 p.m. Tuesday to make a $1.8 billion dollar repayment to the European Central Bank before they are in default.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel seemed to be very cool toward Greece’s new proposal.  Germany is Greece’s biggest creditor.

“This evening at exactly midnight Central European Time the program expires. And I am not aware of any real indications of anything else,” she told a news conference.

Several european leaders began to express concern that Greece may be forced out of the Euro by their default and the impact it could have on the Euro, the EU and the region.

“What would happen if Greece came out of the euro? There would be a negative message that euro membership is reversible,” said Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to Reuters.

“People may think that if one country can leave the euro, others could do so in the future.”

Greece No Vote Would Mean Euro Exit

European Union financial experts say that if Greece’s voters reject a referendum on the nation’s debt this Sunday it would mean the nation leaves the Euro.

Greece shut down the nation’s banks on Monday after a weekend run on ATMs caused many to run out of cash.  A strict limit on ATM transactions has been put in place by the government through Thursday.

The shut down of banks and the stock markets in the nation will last at least through the Sunday vote.

Greek leadership was defiant in the fact of default and the EU no longer providing bailout funds to the nation.

“The decision not to prolong financial aid to Greece is offensive, and it’s a disgrace for Europe in general,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said in a national address.

The country’s poorer neighbors, however, are showing little sympathy for Greece’s plight.

“We are much poorer than the Greeks but we have performed reforms,” Rosen Plevneliev, the president of Bulgaria said. “When you have a problem, you have to address it and not shift it to Brussels or onto somebody else.”

The country’s actions have carried negative impact on world financial markets.  World stock markets all took sharp dives at their openings which carried throughout the day; the euro tumbled on world currency markets.

Another California Town Considering Bankruptcy

A major California resort town is threatening to enter bankruptcy due to salary and pension costs.

Desert Hot Springs, California, a city of 26,000 east of Los Angeles, could be the third major city to file for bankruptcy after San Bernardino and Stockton.

The city’s problems came to light last week when a new finance director discovered a $3 million shortfall in the city’s $13.5 million budget during a routine record check. The interim director of finance could not explain the reason for the shortfall but said it was likely due to higher than expected pension and salary costs.

If the city ends up filing, it will be the second time since 2001 that the city has filed for bankruptcy proection.

Amy Aguer, the city’s interim director of finance, said that 70 percent of the budget was consumed by police costs between salaries and pension payments.

Who Ya Gonna Call (Pt. 12)

Mary burst out laughing.  “Dear me, I haven’t even taken an aspirin in ages!  But, yes, I will be glad to give you what I have.  You come.  Even after this crisis is over, come and be a part of our fellowship.  You’ll see what I mean.  We’re not closing up.  These are exciting days, and you are more than welcome to join us.”

“So what’s the catch?” Stan’s cynical side still remained unsatisfied.  “After you get me in the church, you bilk me out of all my money, is that it?” Continue reading

Who Ya Gonna Call? (Pt. 11)

“It sounds as though you have your own little club going here,” said Stan with a smile.

“Oh, not alt all.  In fact, our church is winning more people to Jesus than ever before.  Every day new people show up at our door.  Some come, of course, because they heard that we have food available and are willing to help.  Others come because they have no place else to turn.  But a lot of people want to be a part of a church that cares.” Continue reading

Who Ya Gonna Call (Pt. 10)

“But then calamity after calamity started to happen. At first it was awful. Everybody was at one another’s throats, arguing over all sorts of silly things, but little by little, the Lord began a marvelous refining process in our congregation. I’m not sure, but I think that’s what the Bible means when it says that Jesus will return one day soon for a church without spot or wrinkle. I think He’s getting the spots and wrinkles out of us by using all these tribulations we’ve been going through …” Mary paused in front of two large sets of doors. Continue reading

Who Ya Gonna Call (Pt. 8)

The church wasn’t a fancy building. From the outside, it looked more like a school, complete with gymnasium, than it did a cathedral. Stan gathered his family’s belongings, and Christine hoisted Natalie onto her shoulder. They walked to the side door of the sanctuary and stepped inside. Although the electricity was still off in the area, the interior of the building was well lit by dozens of candles and kerosene lamps, flames flickering against the lightly painted walls, giving the large room a warm and cozy feeling. It reminded Stan of the Christmas Eve candlelight services he attended as a boy.

The room was filled with bustling people, some carrying backpacks, others carrying sleeping bags, still others toting boxes, a few teenagers even sporting guitars. The scene looked like a busy summer camp! Continue reading

Who Ya Gonna Call (Pt. 7)

Stan shuffled his way through the lines, exited the grocery store, and returned home. The Chevy’s gas gage now edged to the left of the “E”. As he turned off the engine, Stan wondered whether the car would start again tomorrow with so little gas in the tank.

Christine and Natalie were wide awake on the sofa. “Stan! Where have you been? You’ve been gone for more than three hours …” It was then that Christine noticed the sparse amount of food Stan carried. “Simply to bring home some rice, bread, and beans? Stan, where in the world have you been? I’ve been worried about you. Our candles are getting low. And it’s really getting damp and cold in this apartment without any heat.” Continue reading

Who Ya Gonna Call? (Pt. 6)

“NEXT IN LINE, PLEASE!” an exasperated voice somewhere up ahead of Stan called. “Come on, let’s go. There are a lot of people waiting.”

Stan thanked the elderly woman for the bread one more time, then stepped into the narrow lane in front of the cash register, while his benefactor waited in the line next to him. There were no scanners functioning at the checkouts, no calculators, computers, or working cash registers, so every transaction had to be calculated on paper. Continue reading