It is an amazing time to be living as the Bible’s Last Days events are taking place on a daily basis. Earthquakes have increased and even tornados have quadrupled! This should not scare us but reassure us that the Bible is true! Jesus said when all these things take place, He will take us, who believe in Him, to a home He has prepared for us!
Whatever we are going to do for Christ, NOW is the time to do it. Israel is God’s Time Clock and the alarm is telling us we are near earth shaking events. The AP news service declares; “U.S. Intelligence Officials say Israel won’t warn the U.S. if they decide to launch a preemptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.”
Iran has declared their goal is to wipe all Jews off the face of the earth including those in the United States and around the world! Israel is surrounded by her enemies, just as the Bible says that they would be in the Last Days. We could be one bomb away from an Armageddon!
This is just one of the reasons Lori and I and all of us at Morningside are preparing for the Last Days great harvest time! We are enlarging our school and adding a new production studio to reach the youth of the world. Our new ministry and food storage center, with housing for visitors coming for teaching and encouragement and a safe place in Times of Trouble, is under construction. The steel has arrived for this important building we call Morningside Old Mill Inn, which by the way, will house even a tornado-proof shelter for residents and visitors.
Lori and I are not only storing more food at Morningside and doing more to help our friends and faith partners get ready, we are adding to our personal storage for our family! The Bible even says that a person is a fool who sees trouble coming and does not prepare! We believe what Jesus said would come to pass, will come to pass! And what Jesus told John to write down in the book of Revelation is coming to pass NOW! Remember tribulation simply means pressure! WOW, are we already there!
Why are we preparing this City of Refuge with power generators and its own food and water supply? It is to encourage and teach God’s Word, and store and grow food, and save babies, and train young and old alike, and to broadcast the Gospel around the world 24 hours a day!
I will give you just a few reasons why I am storing more food right NOW! The number one reason is that I have spent the last two decades studying the Bible and focusing on the book of Revelation, researching in the Greek each word of this amazing book one word at a time and I am totally convinced we are living in Revelation Days NOW! The “Four Horseman of the Apocalypse” are not only out of the barn but they are beginning to gallop throughout the world!
The number two reason why I am storing more food and have even put in emergency power into our home is America has turned her back on God! The Harbinger warnings from God before Israel was destroyed have all taken place in the United States! It was ten years after the bricks fell that Israel was destroyed and we are in the tenth year since 9/11! Read Rabbi Cahn’s book, “The Harbinger” if you do not know of this important warning from God to America! 2012 is not the end of the world like many are saying, but as Rick Joyner has said, it may be the end of the world as we know it!
The third reason is that Jesus says in Matthew 24, that a sign of His return is there will be “no food to eat,” and there will be earthquakes all over the place! In case of earthquakes or hurricanes or tornadoes or lack of food or riots or power failures, do you have a plan where you will go and where will your family meet if all phone lines and phone towers are down? Iran plans to explode an Electric Magnetic bomb over America shutting down all transportation that has motors and our electric grid system. Do you agree it is time for America to turn back to God? Our only safe place is in Jesus Christ; He will never leave us or forsake us! The Bible says, “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord!”
It’s time to prepare food and water, for this is key to sustaining life! Look over our food offers and get ready NOW! One day it will be too late!
What do you think the Bible means when it says “In the Last Days perilous times will come?” Perilous means difficult, dangerous, furious and reducing the strength! Are these difficult days? Dangerous days? Are people furious and has even the strength of America been reduced? The warning signs of God’s prophetic words are flashing NOW! Will you heed them and be ready?
Don’t be afraid – be ready! Get your food ready for your family and have some for others too! We can’t give them Jesus until we give them food first!
Remember that we love you and God loves you, He really does!