Auburn, New York Officials Targeting Church

Officials with a New York town are targeting a church for an outreach to their community.

A code enforcement officer for the city told First Presbyterian Church that a “glee camp” they hosted at a building they own.  A cease-and-desist order was issued in July saying that the church’s camp was a violation of zoning because they were operating a commercial action in a residential zone.

“Cease operating a summer glee camp @100/camper in a residential district. This is not an allowable use here,” the order said.

“I believe this action is a misguided and discriminatory act on the city’s part that not only harms the church’s ability to carry out its religious mission in the community, but also threatens a chilling effect upon other faith organizations similarly situated in residential areas throughout the city,” Pastor Eileen Winter said in a deposition.

The church charges $100 per camper but the money goes entirely to offset the church’s costs to put on the camp.  The church makes no money on the camp and some years even loses money.

Hiram Sasser of the Liberty Institute says that the city is in violation of the Religious Land Use Act.