Switzerland Assisted Suicide Rate For Foreigners Doubles

A new study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics shows that the number of foreigners traveling to Switzerland to kill themselves has doubled in a four year period.

According to the study, 172 foreigners traveled to the country to end their lives in 2012 compared to 2009’s total of 86.  Citizens of Germany and Great Britain make up the majority, over two-thirds of the total.

Switzerland has very liberal assisted suicide laws.  The only requirement is that whoever assists in the death has no direct interest in the ending of the life, such as being in the victim’s will.

The rise of foreigners entering the country to end their lives raised enough concern among residents that in 2011 a ban on the practice was placed on the ballot but voted down.

People from 31 nations came to Switzerland to die.  The median age of the victims was 69.

France and Italy saw large rises in the number of citizens who traveled to Switzerland to die.