Hearing from God in the Last Days

We’ve been talking on the show lately about the importance of hearing from God about everything!  In the times we are living in, it’s not just a nice thing, it’s a necessary thing to hear from God and know what He is saying.

The primary way we can hear from God is reading His Word, of course.  But, there are other ways that God communicates to His people that are very Biblical as well.  God says in Joel 2:28 and again in Acts 2:17 that in the Last Days, He will pour out His Spirit on men and women alike, and they will have dreams and they will see visions.

Another way God communicates with His people is by speaking directly into their spirit.  The Bible says that God is spirit and we are made in His image.  That means we are a spirit too, living in an earthly body (for the time being.)  The idea of God speaking to us directly should not be foreign to us.

Our family has certainly experienced the above scriptures vividly, and we continue to experience dreams and visions almost daily.  There were three of us; Nena, myself and Jim who recently had dreams of an impending catastrophic disaster.  We don’t take them lightly.  We take them as a warning to prepare for what is coming.

Early in my Christian journey, I was walking along the beach one day and God started to speak to me about my future ministry.  He told me that one day I would speak to wave after wave (representing million of people) about abortion.  At the time, I didn’t know how this could possibly happen.  But, when God brought Jim and I together and I began to speak at conferences across the nation and talk to television audiences that spanned the globe, I recalled that vision.

I just want to encourage each of you that God will give you dreams and visions, and He will speak to you directly when you believe and trust that He can.  Jeremiah 33:3 NLT says to “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.”

I don’t know about you, but I need to hear from God on a daily basis for everything!  I believe He can and will show us every step to take and every move to make in the Last Days.

Call on God today.  He is there.  He is willing.  He will do it!