U.N. Nuclear Watchdog Taking Samples at Iran Military Site

The U.N. nuclear watchdog, which is investigating whether Iran carried out work related to developing a nuclear bomb, said on Sunday its chief had visited a sensitive military site during a trip to the country.

Environmental samples have been taken at a sensitive military site in Iran, the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Monday, citing “significant progress” in its investigation of Tehran’s past activities. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Yukiya Amano said he and the head of the agency’s Department of Safeguards, which carries out inspections, visited a building at the Parchin site on Sunday that the agency had previously only observed by satellite.

The IAEA is due to provide an assessment of “possible military dimensions” of Iran’s nuclear program by the end of the year. That report is a vital confidence-building aspect of Iran’s landmark deal with six major powers reached in July, under which restrictions will be placed on Tehran’s atomic energy activities in exchange for a lifting of sanctions.The IAEA has drawn criticism over a confidential arrangement with Iran governing how inspections are done at Parchin. Critics of the international powers’ deal with Iran have argued that the accord on inspections limits the IAEA’s ability to investigate and gives Iran too much influence in the collection of samples.

Iran Asks China to Help in Middle East Crisis

Iran is asking China to come in and help resolve the unrest in the Middle East along with offering more opportunities for Chinese businesses once the sanctions against the nation are lifted under the agreement with the United States and six other world powers.

China has been pushing the United States to complete the deal with Iran and lift the sanctions that have been economically hampering Iran.

“China and Iran find mutual benefits in many areas,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said.  “I agreed with [Chinese Foreign] Minister Wang Yi that we share similar views on regional issues, which should be solved in a political way. We would like to cooperate with China on issues in Yemen, Syria and the Middle East, seeking a political solution.”

China has long been opposed to the sanctions placed on Iran by the United States and European nations.  Wang told reporters he looks forward to the deal’s implementation because of the benefit to Chinese businesses and added he believes the two nations can work together for peace in their regions.

“We both agree that the unrest in West Asia and North Africa regions is not sustainable, it should be solved in a political way and we should seek a solution that can address the concerns of different parties,” Wang said.

Iranian Supreme Leader Says Israel Will Not Survive 25 Years

Iran’s supreme leader posted online that Israel will not survive 25 more years.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei posted a series of messages on the social media network Twitter on Wednesday attacking the United States and Israel.  A series of posts indicated they will not let up on terrorizing Israel.

“After negotiations, in Zionist regime they said they had no more concern about Iran for next 25 years; I’d say: Firstly, you will not see next 25 years; God willing, there will be nothing as Zionist regime by next 25 years. Secondly, until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists,” Khamenei posted.

The posting was taken from a transcript of a speech that he had delivered earlier Wednesday.

Analysts say the speech was aimed at quelling dissent among the country’s hardliners.  The speech also included statements that Americans would not be allowed on Iranian soil to conduct inspections as part of the nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration and five other nations.

Iran Rejects Further U.S. Involvement in Region

Iran’s supreme leader has said that he is done speaking with the United States.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei posted statements on his website calling for the downfall of Israel and stated that he is finished talking with the United States because his nation cannot allow American views to “penetrate” Iran.

“Some are insisting in presenting this Great Satan as an angel of salvation,” Khamenei said in reference to the United States. “When the Iranian nation kicked this Satan out of the door, we should not allow it to return from the window and gather influence.”

Khamenei also reiterated that the “Zionist regime” will be gone within 25 years.

“After negotiations, in Zionist regime they said they had no more concern about Iran for next 25 years; I’d say: You will not see the next 25 years, God willing there will be nothing as Zionist Regime by next 25 years,” Khamenei stated on Twitter in reference to Israel.

Analysts say the announcements from Khamenei were intended more to appease internal critics rather than upset foreign governments.

Iranian Naval Vessels Confront US Navy Daily

US naval ships operating in the Strait of Hormuz have been reporting daily contacts with Iranian vessels and aircraft.

“US Naval forces are routinely approached by Iranian warships and aircraft as they operate in the region, with the majority of all interaction by the Iranians conducted in a safe and professional manner,” a Pentagon official confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon. “This happens on a near daily basis.”

The Strait is considered a vital shipping lane for the region and US forces have patrolled the area to keep ships safe from interference from Iran and terror groups.

The Iranian ships and drones appear to be videotaping the US forces.  An Iranian government news agency released footage of some of the flights including a close up inspection of a US aircraft carrier.

“The latest IRGC operation is a mission to identify an American aircraft carrier passing through the region, carried out by a navy reconnaissance plane called the Harbin Y-2,” the report said.

Pentagon officials say they are recording the incidents.

“During these interactions we, too, capture imagery for the record,” the official said. “Safe, professional, and routine interactions are of no concern, and we are fully confident in the ability of US Naval forces to defend themselves. We also publicly acknowledge those interactions with the Iranians which we consider to be unsafe.”

Iranian officials have restated their intent to support groups that will attack Israel or the US.

“I officially declare that under no circumstances will we refrain from providing material and moral support to Hezbollah, or to any group of the resistance to the US and Israel,” said Hossein Dehghan, Iran’s defense minister, earlier this month.

Iran Nuclear Deal Now Virtually Unstoppable

A 34th Democratic Senator has announced they will stand behind President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, assuring that a Presidential veto of a measure of disapproval will be upheld.

Retiring Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski announced her support of the deal Wednesday.

“No deal is perfect, especially one negotiated with the Iranian regime,” Mikulski said in a statement. “I have concluded that this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear bomb. For these reasons, I will vote in favor of this deal.”

The victory for the White House came on the same day Secretary of State John Kerry gave a major speech in Philadelphia defending the deal.

“President Obama and I are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the framework that we have put forward will get the job done,” Kerry said.

The White House is now expected to try and obtain 41 senators to support the deal so they can stop the resolution of disapproval from ever reaching the President’s desk and forcing a veto.  It was unclear if the House or Senate will pick up the resolution first after the August recess.

Oil Prices Hit 6 1/2 Year Lows

Oil prices opened today by falling 6 percent to a 6 1/2 year low as markets worried about a Chinese-led global economic slowdown.

The markets were already steadily falling due to a season of plentiful oil supply.  However, one oil market analyst said the common forces of supply and demand are not causing the problems within the oil market prices.

“Today’s falls are not about oil market fundamentals. It’s all about China,” Carsten Fritsch, senior oil analyst at Commerzbank in Frankfurt, told the Reuters Global Oil Forum. “The fear is of a hard landing and that things get out of the control of the Chinese authorities.”

West Texas Intermediate crude oil fell below $39 a barrel early Monday, a level that had not been reached since 2009.  The market had closed on Friday at $40.29.  In June 2014, oil was hovering around $100 a barrel.

The prices could fall significantly further if the Iranian nuclear deal between the Obama Administration and Iran is approved. The lifting of restrictions because of the deal would have Iranian oil flooding into the world market supply.  Iranian officials said they would be aiming to raise production.

“We will be raising our oil production at any cost and we have no other alternative,” Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said. “If Iran’s oil production hike is not done promptly, we will be losing our market share permanently.”

The company that tracks gasoline prices for AAA reports that gas prices at the pump for Americans will likely fall below $2 after averaging around $3.40 a year ago.

Major Jewish Senator Announces Opposition to Iran Nuclear Deal

Senator Chuck Schumer, the New York Democrat who is in line to become the next leader of the Democrats in the senate after the retirement of Sen. Harry Reid, has announced that he will not support the nuclear deal with Iran.

“After deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I have decided I must oppose the agreement and will vote yes on a motion of disapproval,” Schumer wrote in a 1,600-word post on the website Medium.

“I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy,” he added later. “It is because I believe Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power.”

Sen. Schumer also said he would vote to override a veto by President Obama to Congress voting to reject his Iran deal.

Schumer is the latest Jewish member of Congress to oppose the deal.  Last week, Rep. Steve Israel of New York, most senior Democrat in the House, said he would oppose the deal.  The ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Nita Lowey of New York, also said she would oppose the Iran deal.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, downplayed the announcement of Schumer and other Jewish New York congressional members whose constituents see a connection between terror attacks in New York City and Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism around the world.

“There was no one in their constituency who had not been directly impacted by the attacks of 9/11,” Mr. Schiff said of New York lawmakers, “It had a real impact in the New York Jewish community.”

U.S. Pledges to Defend Israel from Iranian Attacks

The United States has told Israeli officials that if Iran attacks the nation in any way, the U.S. will be there to defend them.

“We have an ally relationship. The word ‘ally’ means something to us. It means that if you are attacked, we will defend you. That is what an ally relationship means… We use that term sparingly,” the senior defense official told the Times of Israel.

“We think that this deal decreases the need and likelihood of an attack. That’s why we signed it. We understand that military action is always an option. It’s an option for the United States,” the official said. “It’s an option for Israel. But the goal is to have an agreement that makes a military attack less needed. But Israel has the right to self-defense. We understand that.”

The two nations are reportedly working on a new “memorandum of understanding” that will increase America’s defense commitment to Israel.

The officials told the Times that administration officials are not pleased with Iran’s continued calls for wiping Israel off the map.

“That is not the way countries should act in today’s world,” the official said of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s calls for Israel’s annihilation. “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t sign a deal that helps decrease the likelihood of them becoming a nuclear state. That’s the very reason we signed it.”

Whose Side Are You On?

In the news, Iran celebrates while chanting ‘Death to Israel and America’. Israel reels from a proposed contract that threatens their nation’s very existence and leaders of our American government congratulate themselves on making a deal regarding nuclear weapon capabilities with Iran.  As a lifelong, passionate student of the Word of God, I should be saying that this doesn’t surprise me.  Although the Bible has been warning of these last days and what will happen, I would not have imagined that America would turn on Israel as it has now. I am witnessing what is happening with my own eyes all the while knowing deep in my heart that it is our relationship with Israel that has that has kept us from Judgment rather than ‘given us grace with God’.   It seems the world has gone topsy turvy.  What made sense in our lives even a year ago in our country and around the world has changed. What do we do? Continue reading