Israel’s prime minister is warning that despite the tone of Iran’s new president regarding their nuclear program their end goal of obtaining a nuclear weapon has not changed.
“When it comes to nuclear weapons the only difference between the two is that Ahmadinejad is a wolf in wolf’s clothing, while Rouhani is a wolf in sheep’s clothing who thinks he can pull the wool over the eyes of the international community,” Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly.
Iranian President Hasan Rouhani had downplayed the country’s nuclear aspirations in a speech last week to the U.N. that gained a lot of positive response from world leaders including a personal phone call from U.S. President Barack Obama.
“I wish I could believe Rouhani but I don’t because facts are stubborn things. Iran’s savage record flatly contradicts Rouhani’s soothing rhetoric,” Netanyahu said. “The last century taught us that when a radical regime with global ambitions gets awesome power its appetite for aggression knows no bounds. The world may have forgotten this lesson. The Jewish people have not.“
For the first time, President Obama has made a direct appeal to Iran for the release of jailed Christian pastor Saeed Abedini.
President Obama called Iranian President Hassan Rouhani marking the first time the leaders of the two nations have spoken directly since 1979. While the majority of the conversation centered on Iran’s enrichment of nuclear materials, Obama broached the subject of the American pastor jailed for his faith. Continue reading →
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has told NBC that his country will not produce nuclear weapons.
“We have never sought or pursued a nuclear bomb and we are not going to do so,” Rouhani said in an interview. Continue reading →
A man from Sierra Leone has been arrested by government investigators smuggling uranium in his shoes.
Patrick Campbell has been charged with attempting to broker a sale of 1,000 tons of yellowcake uranium to the Iranians. He had samples of the uranium hidden inside his shoes. Continue reading →
A car bomb detonated in a southern suburb of Beirut has killed at least 16 and left over 200 wounded. The bombing appeared to target strongholds of the Shia terrorist movement Hezbollah.
Heavy damage was reported to nearby buildings and cars. The BBC reported smoke was still rising from buildings two hours after the bombing. Continue reading →
The family of imprisoned American pastor Saeed Abedini was able to visit him in iran’s brutal Evin Prison.
They report that he is in “good spirits” and that the most severe of his medical symptoms have eased. However, the Iranian government is still refusing to allow him treatment for severe abdominal pain. Continue reading →
Idaho senator James Risch is making an appeal to the Iranian people for Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini, jailed in Iran’s brutal Evin prison for his faith. Abedini has been in prison for nearly 300 days suffering long periods in solitary confinement, beatings and torture at the hands of Iranian jailers.
Abedini traveled to Iran to help build an orphanage. He had lived in Iran prior to becoming a U.S. citizen and had been a key people in the home church movement. He was arrested in 2009 and released after pledging to stop organizing house churches. Continue reading →
Within a day of news reports that the wife of Pastor Saeed Abedini, jailed in Iran for refusing to renounce his faith, was going to speak to a United Nations conference seeking help in gaining her husband’s freedom, the White House has released a statement in the case of the jailed American pastor. Continue reading →
The wife of jailed Christian pastor Saeed Abedini is going to address the United Nations Human Rights Council in an attempt to gain her husband’s freedom after failing to gain any support from the U.S. government.
Naghmeh Abdeini is going to talk to the Council about Saeed’s failing health and abuse in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison. Continue reading →
Iranian media was bragging about their nation’s fielding of a “massive” number of new long-range missile launchers. The weapons systems would be able to reach inside Israel and U.S. bases in the Middle East. Continue reading →