“As ancient Israel turned away from her God and His ways, so, too, has America!” Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s thundering voice echoed through the chambers as he spoke to the dozens of members of Congress who came to pray.
This is the Rabbi that we know and love. This is the Rabbi who is not afraid to stand up to whatever earthly authority that will allow him to speak. The people are hearing his words and turning to the highest most loving authority that exists; our Father and Heavenly God.
Please join us on Grace Street as author of The Harbinger, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn returns to the Jim Bakker Show. When Rabbi comes to visit, we never experience only a show taping, but an adventure of the Words and Power of the Lord from a voice that is being heard around the world.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn knows God’s Word and creatively reminds you of His divine plan for ordinary people, just like you and me, whose lives can become extraordinary once we bow to the Will of God and capture the blueprint that God had drawn up for us. The extraordinary life of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will never fail to inspire!
We hope to see you here at Morningside Tuesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 25th at 11:30am right on Grace Street. This show will not be live streamed but will be available on the PTL Television Network on ROKU and the PTL video on demand at www.ptlnetwork.com before airing on national television. We hope you can be here for our live studio audience! It is always a remarkable spirit-filled time at the Jim Bakker Show!