Clay in the Potter’s Hands (Pt. 6)

Something deep inside you stirs—that first call, that sense of destiny you felt as a new believer. “Lord,” you cry, “I don’t want to just sit in the back pew and die. You made me to be a lover of your people and to go out and find broken vessels and bring them to the Potter’s house.”

“I know it won’t be easy,” you continue. “I know I will pay an incredible price for the anointing I will carry for You. But, Lord, I want to become Your bride.”

So the Lord takes you into a huge glazing room filled with tables. Angels are moving pitchers from one table to another and placing them with cups on other tables in preparation for the high firing. The soft sound of weeping is heard as vessels that have been together all their lives are being separated.

God is sovereignly moving His different vessels to prepare them for His Great Commission. Some will be staying home while others will be going to different cities and nations. The angels continue to carefully pour, paint, and brush glazes onto each vessel before carrying them into a large kiln.

Have you considered the cost of the anointing? When you say, “I surrender all” to the call of God, you will be immediately put through the processes of God and I can promise you, it will not be easy… but it will be worth everything!