When Someone Believes in You

I was a little apprehensive when I knocked on the Master’s Commission door at Phoenix First Assembly.  After all, this was a program for young people, college-aged at the most.  I was then 33 years old and much older than any of those currently in the program. 

But, I knew I had a call on my life.  And I knew that in order to fulfill that call,  I needed discipling.  I wanted so much to be involved in ministry, but I didn’t know how to do it.  I wanted someone to see my potential and to recognize something in me worth developing.  I wanted someone to believe in me enough to invest in me.  I had a DREAM.

Who could teach me?  Would they teach me?  Or would they just send me on my way with a tsk tsk tsk? 

We had the best of the best right there at Phoenix First with Pastor Lloyd Zeigler and Master’s Commission.  But, was it too late for me?

My mind raced and my heart pounded as I anticipated what I would say and what the answer would be on the other side of that door.  I took a deep breath, said a quick prayer, and knocked.

Have you ever noticed how someone will respond to words that build them up?  You can literally see them physically respond with a straightened back and a head held high.  Words of life will change a person’s very demeanor.

After my talk with Pastor Lloyd Zeigler that day, I knew there was a future for me in ministry and that I would be fully prepared through the Master’s Commission program.  But even more important, I knew that someone I looked up to, someone I respected, someone that was a leader, believed in ME. I felt myself walking more upright, head held high. 

The rest is history!  I spent ten years in that program at Phoenix First.

Don’t ever underestimate the power of your support for someone who needs it.  There are young people all around you that need you to speak a word of encouragement, recognize a potential, and care enough about their future to invest in them.  Paul had a Timothy.  Elijah had an Elisha.  Naomi had a Ruth.  Who do you have?

If ever there was a time to sow into the lives of others, it’s now. 

There is simply nothing greater that can happen in your life (after salvation) than for someone to believe in you!