“I Pray and I Obey”

Sometimes it’s hard to get our priorities straight but it doesn’t have to be.  One of the greatest leaders of our times, Paul Youngi Cho of South Korea who has a church of over one million members, simplified the way he conducts his days by doing two things FIRST.

Every morning, Cho prays for five hours before starting any other work. Many have asked him how he can find time to pray that much. He answers, “You don’t understand. If I don’t pray for five hours, I don’t have enough time to do everything. But when I do, then God does everything I need.”

What a simple, yet profound TRUTH in this statement! Jesus’ life was one of constant PRAYER!  We can read in the Bible where many times that Jesus went up into the mountain to PRAY – Matthew 14:23 & Mark 6:46 & Mark 1:35 & Luke 6:12.   Jesus removed all distractions and focused on communion with God. Even though He was God, Jesus prayed and so should we!

Since Jesus, who is the Son of God, understood the need to be in constant prayer, we should do the same. Jesus heard the Voice of the Father, and then He obeyed exactly what He heard the Father say!

This is a time like never before in the history of the world.  This is a time that we should be in constant communication with the throne room of God so that we can hear His voice and DO what He tells us to do!

Lord, remind me to PRAY and OBEY every day so that I can be sure that what I am about to do is what You have said to do with my day!
